# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2019 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with Psi4; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Module with functions that interface with Grimme's GCP code."""
import os
import re
import uuid
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
from psi4.driver.p4util.exceptions import *
from psi4 import core
isP4regime = True
except ImportError:
from .exceptions import *
isP4regime = False
from .util import parse_dertype
from .molecule import Molecule
[docs]def run_gcp(self, func=None, dertype=None, verbose=False): # dashlvl=None, dashparam=None
"""Function to call Grimme's GCP program
to compute an a posteriori geometrical BSSE correction to *self* for
several HF, generic DFT, and specific HF-3c and PBEh-3c method/basis
combinations, *func*. Returns energy if *dertype* is 0, gradient
if *dertype* is 1, else tuple of energy and gradient if *dertype*
unspecified. The gcp executable must be independently compiled and
found in :envvar:`PATH` or :envvar:`PSIPATH`. *self* may be either a
qcdb.Molecule (sensibly) or a psi4.Molecule (works b/c psi4.Molecule
has been extended by this method py-side and only public interface
fns used) or a string that can be instantiated into a qcdb.Molecule.
# Create (if necessary) and update qcdb.Molecule
if isinstance(self, Molecule):
# called on a qcdb.Molecule
elif isinstance(self, core.Molecule):
# called on a python export of a psi4.core.Molecule (py-side through Psi4's driver)
elif isinstance(self, str):
# called on a string representation of a psi4.Molecule (c-side through psi4.Dispersion)
self = Molecule(self)
raise ValidationError("""Argument mol must be psi4string or qcdb.Molecule""")
# # Validate arguments
# dashlvl = dashlvl.lower()
# dashlvl = dash_alias['-' + dashlvl][1:] if ('-' + dashlvl) in dash_alias.keys() else dashlvl
# if dashlvl not in dashcoeff.keys():
# raise ValidationError("""-D correction level %s is not available. Choose among %s.""" % (dashlvl, dashcoeff.keys()))
if dertype is None:
derint, derdriver = -1, 'gradient'
derint, derdriver = parse_dertype(dertype, max_derivative=1)
# if func is None:
# if dashparam is None:
# # defunct case
# raise ValidationError("""Parameters for -D correction missing. Provide a func or a dashparam kwarg.""")
# else:
# # case where all param read from dashparam dict (which must have all correct keys)
# func = 'custom'
# dashcoeff[dashlvl][func] = {}
# dashparam = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in dashparam.iteritems())
# for key in dashcoeff[dashlvl]['b3lyp'].keys():
# if key in dashparam.keys():
# dashcoeff[dashlvl][func][key] = dashparam[key]
# else:
# raise ValidationError("""Parameter %s is missing from dashparam dict %s.""" % (key, dashparam))
# else:
# func = func.lower()
# if func not in dashcoeff[dashlvl].keys():
# raise ValidationError("""Functional %s is not available for -D level %s.""" % (func, dashlvl))
# if dashparam is None:
# # (normal) case where all param taken from dashcoeff above
# pass
# else:
# # case where items in dashparam dict can override param taken from dashcoeff above
# dashparam = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in dashparam.iteritems())
# for key in dashcoeff[dashlvl]['b3lyp'].keys():
# if key in dashparam.keys():
# dashcoeff[dashlvl][func][key] = dashparam[key]
# TODO temp until figure out paramfile
allowed_funcs = ['HF/MINIS', 'DFT/MINIS', 'HF/MINIX', 'DFT/MINIX',
'HF/SV', 'DFT/SV', 'HF/def2-SV(P)', 'DFT/def2-SV(P)', 'HF/def2-SVP',
'DFT/def2-SVP', 'HF/DZP', 'DFT/DZP', 'HF/def-TZVP', 'DFT/def-TZVP',
'HF/def2-TZVP', 'DFT/def2-TZVP', 'HF/631Gd', 'DFT/631Gd',
'HF/def2-TZVP', 'DFT/def2-TZVP', 'HF/cc-pVDZ', 'DFT/cc-pVDZ',
'HF/aug-cc-pVDZ', 'DFT/aug-cc-pVDZ', 'DFT/SV(P/h,c)', 'DFT/LANL',
'DFT/pobTZVP', 'TPSS/def2-SVP', 'PW6B95/def2-SVP',
# specials
'hf3c', 'pbeh3c']
allowed_funcs = [f.lower() for f in allowed_funcs]
if func.lower() not in allowed_funcs:
raise Dftd3Error("""bad gCP func: %s. need one of: %r""" % (func, allowed_funcs))
# Move ~/.dftd3par.<hostname> out of the way so it won't interfere
defaultfile = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.dftd3par.' + socket.gethostname()
defmoved = False
if os.path.isfile(defaultfile):
os.rename(defaultfile, defaultfile + '_hide')
defmoved = True
# Find environment by merging PSIPATH and PATH environment variables
lenv = {
'PATH': ':'.join([os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.environ.get('PSIPATH', '').split(':') if x != '']) + \
':' + os.environ.get('PATH'),
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
# Filter out None values as subprocess will fault on them
lenv = {k: v for k, v in lenv.items() if v is not None}
# Find out if running from Psi4 for scratch details and such
import psi4
except ImportError as err:
isP4regime = False
isP4regime = True
# Setup unique scratch directory and move in
current_directory = os.getcwd()
if isP4regime:
psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object()
psio = core.IO.shared_object()
gcp_tmpdir = 'psi.' + str(os.getpid()) + '.' + psio.get_default_namespace() + \
'.gcp.' + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
gcp_tmpdir = os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + 'gcp_' + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
if os.path.exists(gcp_tmpdir) is False:
# Write gcp_parameters file that governs cp correction
# paramcontents = gcp_server(func, dashlvl, 'dftd3')
# paramfile1 = 'dftd3_parameters' # older patched name
# with open(paramfile1, 'w') as handle:
# handle.write(paramcontents)
# paramfile2 = '.gcppar'
# with open(paramfile2, 'w') as handle:
# handle.write(paramcontents)
###Two kinds of parameter files can be read in: A short and an extended version. Both are read from
###$HOME/.gcppar.$HOSTNAME by default. If the option -local is specified the file is read in from
###the current working directory: .gcppar
###The short version reads in: basis-keywo
# Write dftd3_geometry file that supplies geometry to dispersion calc
numAtoms = self.natom()
geom = self.save_string_xyz()
reals = []
for line in geom.splitlines():
lline = line.split()
if len(lline) != 4:
if lline[0] == 'Gh':
numAtoms -= 1
geomtext = str(numAtoms) + '\n\n'
for line in reals:
geomtext += line.strip() + '\n'
geomfile = './gcp_geometry.xyz'
with open(geomfile, 'w') as handle:
# TODO somehow the variations on save_string_xyz and
# whether natom and chgmult does or doesn't get written
# have gotten all tangled. I fear this doesn't work
# the same btwn libmints and qcdb or for ghosts
# Call gcp program
command = ['gcp', geomfile]
command.extend(['-level', func])
if derint != 0:
#print('command', command)
dashout = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=lenv)
except OSError as e:
raise ValidationError('Program gcp not found in path. %s' % e)
out, err = dashout.communicate()
# Parse output
success = False
for line in out.splitlines():
line = line.decode('utf-8')
if re.match(' Egcp:', line):
sline = line.split()
dashd = float(sline[1])
if re.match(' normal termination of gCP', line):
success = True
if not success:
raise Dftd3Error("""Unsuccessful gCP run.""")
# Parse grad output
if derint != 0:
derivfile = './gcp_gradient'
dfile = open(derivfile, 'r')
dashdderiv = []
for line in geom.splitlines():
lline = line.split()
if len(lline) != 4:
if lline[0] == 'Gh':
dashdderiv.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
dashdderiv.append([float(x.replace('D', 'E')) for x in dfile.readline().split()])
if len(dashdderiv) != self.natom():
raise ValidationError('Program gcp gradient file has %d atoms- %d expected.' % \
(len(dashdderiv), self.natom()))
# Prepare results for Psi4
if isP4regime and derint != 0:
core.set_variable('GCP CORRECTION ENERGY', dashd)
psi_dashdderiv = core.Matrix.from_list(dashdderiv)
# Print program output to file if verbose
if not verbose and isP4regime:
verbose = True if core.get_option('SCF', 'PRINT') >= 3 else False
if verbose:
text = '\n ==> GCP Output <==\n'
text += out.decode('utf-8')
if derint != 0:
with open(derivfile, 'r') as handle:
text += handle.read().replace('D', 'E')
text += '\n'
if isP4regime:
# # Clean up files and remove scratch directory
# os.unlink(paramfile1)
# os.unlink(paramfile2)
# os.unlink(geomfile)
# if derint != 0:
# os.unlink(derivfile)
# if defmoved is True:
# os.rename(defaultfile + '_hide', defaultfile)
# clean up files and remove scratch directory
except OSError as err:
raise OSError('Unable to remove gcp temporary directory: {}'.format(gcp_tmpdir)) from err
# return -D & d(-D)/dx
if derint == -1:
return dashd, dashdderiv
elif derint == 0:
return dashd
elif derint == 1:
return psi_dashdderiv
# Attach method to libmints psi4.Molecule class
core.Molecule.run_gcp = run_gcp
except (NameError, AttributeError):
# But don't worry if that doesn't work b/c
# it'll get attached to qcdb.Molecule class