
psi4.driver.copy_file_from_scratch(filename, prefix, namespace, unit, move=False)[source]

Function to move file out of scratch with correct naming convention.


@arg filename full path to target file @arg prefix computation prefix, usually ‘psi’ @arg namespace context namespace, usually molecule name @arg unit unit number, e.g. 32 @arg move copy or move? (default copy)


Assume PID is 12345 and SCRATCH is /scratch/parrish/

copy_file_to_scratch(‘temp’, ‘psi’, ‘h2o’, 32):
-cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 .temp
copy_file_to_scratch(‘/tmp/temp’, ‘psi’, ‘h2o’, 32):
-cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 /tmp/temp
copy_file_to_scratch(‘/tmp/temp’, ‘psi’, ‘’, 32):
-cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp
copy_file_to_scratch(‘/tmp/temp’, ‘psi’, ‘’, 32, True):
-mv /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp