
class psi4.core.SymmetryOperation

Bases: pybind11_object

Class to provide a 3 by 3 matrix representation of a symmetry operation, such as a rotation or reflection.

Methods Summary


Set equal to E


Set equal to C2 about the x axis


Set equal to C2 about the y axis


Set equal to C2 about the z axis


Set equal to an inversion


Return the matrix for the operation on Cartesians

operate(self, arg0)

Performs the operation arg2 * arg1

rotate_n(self, arg0)

Set equal to a clockwise rotation by 2pi/n

rotate_theta(self, arg0)

Set equal to a clockwise rotation by theta


Set equal to reflection in xy plane


Set equal to reflection in xz plane


Set equal to reflection in yz plane


Returns trace of transformation matrix

transform(self, arg0)

Performs the transform arg2 * arg1 * arg2~


Performs transposition of matrix operation


Set equal to a unit matrix


Zero out the symmetry operation

Methods Documentation

E(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to E

c2_x(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to C2 about the x axis

c2_y(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to C2 about the y axis

c2_z(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to C2 about the z axis

i(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to an inversion

matrix(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) List[List[float[3]][3]]

Return the matrix for the operation on Cartesians

operate(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation, arg0: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) psi4.core.SymmetryOperation

Performs the operation arg2 * arg1

rotate_n(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation, arg0: int) None

Set equal to a clockwise rotation by 2pi/n

rotate_theta(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation, arg0: float) None

Set equal to a clockwise rotation by theta

sigma_xy(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to reflection in xy plane

sigma_xz(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to reflection in xz plane

sigma_yz(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to reflection in yz plane

trace(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) float

Returns trace of transformation matrix

transform(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation, arg0: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) psi4.core.SymmetryOperation

Performs the transform arg2 * arg1 * arg2~

transpose(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Performs transposition of matrix operation

unit(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Set equal to a unit matrix

zero(self: psi4.core.SymmetryOperation) None

Zero out the symmetry operation