# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2023 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with Psi4; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import collections
import itertools
import math
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import qcelemental as qcel
from qcelemental import Datum
import psi4 # for typing
from .libmintsmolecule import compute_atom_map
LINEAR_A_TOL = 1.0E-2 # tolerance (roughly max dev) for TR space
__all__ = ["compare_vibinfos", "filter_nonvib", "filter_omega_to_real", "harmonic_analysis", "hessian_symmetrize", "print_molden_vibs", "print_vibs", "thermo"]
def compare_vibinfos(expected: Dict[str, qcel.Datum], computed: Dict[str, Datum], tol: float, label: str, verbose: int = 1, forgive: List = None, required: List = None, toldict: Dict[str, float] = None) -> bool:
"""Returns True if two dictionaries of vibration Datum objects are equivalent within a tolerance.
Reference value against which `computed` is compared.
Input value to compare against `expected`. Must contain all fields of `expected`.
Absolute tolerance.
Label for passed and error messages.
Control printing.
Keys in top level which may change between `expected` and `computed` without triggering failure.
Keys in top level which must be present in `computed`. ("omega" recc. for vibs.)
Tolerances for specific keys.
allclose : bool
Returns True if `expected` and `computed` are equal within tolerance; False otherwise.
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.4f}'.format})
def _success(label):
"""Function to print a '*label*...PASSED' line to screen.
Used by :py:func:`util.compare_values` family when functions pass.
msg = f'\t{label:.<66}PASSED'
def print_stuff(asp, same, ref, val, space=''):
if verbose >= 1:
print(asp, ':', same)
if (verbose >= 2) or (not same and verbose >= 1):
print('\texp:', space, ref)
print('\tobs:', space, val)
if verbose >= 1:
if not same:
print('\tdif:', space, val - ref)
except TypeError:
print('\tdif: Different, inspect arrays')
if forgive is None:
forgive = []
summsame = []
if required is None:
checkkeys = []
checkkeys = required
svdtol = 1.e-6 if toldict is None else toldict.get("svd", 1.e-6)
for asp in checkkeys:
if asp not in computed and asp in forgive:
if toldict is not None and asp in toldict:
ktol = toldict[asp]
ktol = tol
if asp in 'qwx':
ccnc = _phase_cols_to_max_element(computed[asp].data)
eenc = _phase_cols_to_max_element(expected[asp].data)
ccnc = _check_degen_modes(ccnc, computed['omega'].data)
eenc = _check_degen_modes(eenc, expected['omega'].data)
same = np.allclose(eenc, ccnc, atol=ktol)
print_stuff(asp=asp, same=same, ref=eenc, val=ccnc, space='\n')
same = _check_rank_degen_modes(ccnc, computed["omega"].data, eenc, difftol=ktol, svdtol=svdtol)
elif asp in ['gamma', 'TRV']:
same = all([computed[asp].data[idx] == val for idx, val in enumerate(expected[asp].data)])
print_stuff(asp=asp, same=same, ref=expected[asp].data, val=computed[asp].data)
elif isinstance(expected[asp].data, float):
same = abs(expected[asp].data - computed[asp].data) < ktol
print_stuff(asp=asp, same=same, ref=expected[asp].data, val=computed[asp].data)
same = (np.allclose(expected[asp].data, computed[asp].data, atol=ktol) and
(expected[asp].data.shape == computed[asp].data.shape))
print_stuff(asp=asp, same=same, ref=expected[asp].data, val=computed[asp].data)
if asp not in forgive:
passed = all(summsame)
if passed:
return passed
def hessian_symmetrize(hess: np.ndarray, mol: psi4.core.Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
"""Apply Abelian symmetry of `mol` to Hessian `hess`.
(3 * nat, 3 * nat) Hessian array perhaps with jitter unbecoming a symmetric molecule.
Molecule at which Hessian computed.
(3 * nat, 3 * nat) symmetrized Hessian array.
ct = mol.point_group().char_table()
# Obtain atom mapping of atom * symm op to atom
atom_map = compute_atom_map(mol)
syms = []
smap = []
for g in range(ct.order()):
smap.append([atom_map[at][g] for at in range(mol.natom())])
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 16.12f}'.format})
b_hess = blockwise_expand(hess, (3, 3), False)
bDG = []
nat = b_hess.shape[0]
for iat in range(nat):
for jat in range(nat):
for sym in range(len(syms)):
bDG[sym][iat, jat] = syms[sym].dot(b_hess[iat, jat].dot(syms[sym]))
# Note that tested syms all diagonal, so above may be off by some transposes
for sym in range(len(syms)):
bDG[sym] = bDG[sym][:, smap[sym]]
bDG[sym] = bDG[sym][smap[sym], :]
tot = np.sum(bDG, axis=0)
tot = np.divide(tot, len(syms))
print('symmetrization diff:', np.linalg.norm(tot - b_hess))
m_tot = blockwise_contract(tot)
return m_tot
def print_molden_vibs(vibinfo: Dict[str, Datum], atom_symbol: Union[np.ndarray, List[str]], geom: Union[np.ndarray, List[List[float]]], standalone: bool = True) -> str:
"""Format vibrational analysis for Molden.
Holds results of vibrational analysis.
(nat,) element symbols for geometry of vibrational analysis.
(nat, 3) geometry of vibrational analysis [a0].
Whether returned string prefixed "[Molden Format]" for standalone rather than append.
`vibinfo` formatted for Molden, including FREQ, FR-COORD, & FR-NORM-COORD fields.
Molden format spec from http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/molden/molden_format.html
Specifies "atomic coordinates x,y,z and atomic displacements dx,dy,dz are all in Bohr (Atomic Unit of length)"
Despite it being quite wrong, imaginary modes are represented by a negative frequency.
nat = int(len(vibinfo['q'].data[:, 0]) / 3)
active = [idx for idx, trv in enumerate(vibinfo['TRV'].data) if trv == 'V']
text = ''
if standalone:
text += """[Molden Format]\n"""
text += """\n[FREQ]\n"""
for vib in active:
if vibinfo['omega'].data[vib].imag > vibinfo['omega'].data[vib].real:
freq = -1.0 * vibinfo['omega'].data[vib].imag
freq = vibinfo['omega'].data[vib].real
text += """ {:20.10f}\n""".format(freq)
text += """\n[FR-COORD]\n"""
for at in range(nat):
text += ("""{:3}""" + """{:20.10f}""" * 3 + '\n').format(atom_symbol[at], *geom[at])
text += """\n[FR-NORM-COORD]\n"""
for idx, vib in enumerate(active):
text += """vibration {}\n""".format(idx + 1)
for at in range(nat):
text += (' ' + """{:20.10f}""" * 3 + '\n').format(*(vibinfo['x'].data[:, vib].reshape(nat, 3)[at].real))
# text += """\n[INT]\n"""
# for vib in active:
# text += """1.0\n"""
return text
def _check_rank_degen_modes(arr, freq, ref, difftol, svdtol, verbose=1):
dfreq, didx, dinv, dcts = np.unique(np.around(freq, 1), return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
normco_ok = True
for idegen, istart in enumerate(didx):
degree = dcts[idegen]
cvecs = arr[:, istart:istart + degree]
evecs = ref[:, istart:istart + degree]
cevecs = np.concatenate((cvecs, evecs), axis=1)
diff_ok = np.allclose(evecs, cvecs, atol=difftol)
rank_cvecs = np.linalg.matrix_rank(cvecs)
rank_evecs = np.linalg.matrix_rank(evecs)
CE = np.linalg.svd(cevecs, compute_uv=False) # hermitian=False
rank_cevecs = np.count_nonzero(CE > svdtol, axis=-1)
# expected normal coordinates and computed normal coordinates span the same space
ranks_ok = rank_cvecs == rank_evecs == rank_cevecs
if degree == 1:
normco_ok = normco_ok and diff_ok
normco_ok = normco_ok and ranks_ok
if verbose >= 2 or not normco_ok:
with np.printoptions(precision=4):
print(f"degree={degree} difftol={difftol} {diff_ok} svdtol={svdtol} {rank_cvecs} == {rank_evecs} == {rank_cevecs} {rank_cvecs == rank_evecs == rank_cevecs} svd={CE}")
return normco_ok
def _check_degen_modes(arr, freq, verbose=1):
"""Use `freq` to identify degenerate columns of eigenvectors `arr` and
sort into std order for comparison. Returns eigenvectors back sorted.
arr2 = np.zeros_like(arr) # lgtm [py/multiple-definition]
dfreq, didx, dinv, dcts = np.unique(np.around(freq, 1), return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
# judging degen normco to only 2 decimals is probably sign need to resolve evec
idx_max_elem_each_normco = np.argmax(np.around(arr, 2), axis=0)
max_elem_each_normco = np.amax(np.around(arr, 2), axis=0)
idx_vib_reordering = np.empty_like(idx_max_elem_each_normco)
for idegen, istart in enumerate(didx):
degree = dcts[idegen]
# sort degen evec
# primarily (last arg) by value of extreme element
# (sep evec that in this coord sys have diff elements)
# & secondarily (2nd-to-last arg) by index of extreme element
# (order evec with same elements in diff (xyz) arrangements)
idx_sort_wi_degen = np.lexsort(
(idx_max_elem_each_normco[istart:istart + degree], max_elem_each_normco[istart:istart + degree]))
idx_vib_reordering[istart:istart + degree] = np.arange(istart, istart + degree)[idx_sort_wi_degen]
arr2 = arr[:, idx_vib_reordering]
reorderings = ['{}-->{}'.format(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(idx_vib_reordering) if (i != v)]
if reorderings and verbose >= 2:
print('Degenerate modes reordered:', ', '.join(reorderings))
return arr2
def _phase_cols_to_max_element(arr, tol=1.e-2, verbose=1):
"""Returns copy of 2D `arr` scaled such that, within cols, max(fabs)
element is positive. If max(fabs) is pos/neg pair, scales so first
element (within `tol`) is positive.
arr2 = np.copy(arr)
rephasing = []
for v in range(arr.shape[1]):
vextreme = 0.0
iextreme = None
# find most extreme value
for varr in arr[:, v]:
vextreme = max(np.absolute(varr), vextreme)
# find the first index whose fabs equals that value, w/i tolerance
for iarr, varr in enumerate(arr[:, v]):
if (vextreme - np.absolute(varr)) < tol:
iextreme = iarr
sign = np.sign(arr[iextreme, v])
if sign == -1.:
arr2[:, v] *= sign
if rephasing and verbose >= 2:
print('Negative modes rephased:', ', '.join(rephasing))
return arr2
def harmonic_analysis(hess: np.ndarray, geom: np.ndarray, mass: np.ndarray, basisset: psi4.core.BasisSet, irrep_labels: List[str], dipder: np.ndarray = None, project_trans: bool = True, project_rot: bool = True) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Datum], str]:
"""Extract frequencies, normal modes and other properties from electronic Hessian. Like so much other Psi4 goodness, originally by @andysim
(3*nat, 3*nat) non-mass-weighted Hessian in atomic units, [Eh/a0/a0].
(nat, 3) geometry [a0] at which Hessian computed.
(nat,) atomic masses [u].
Basis set object (can be dummy, e.g., STO-3G) for SALCs.
Irreducible representation labels.
(3, 3 * nat) dipole derivatives in atomic units, [Eh a0/u] or [(e a0/a0)^2/u]
Idealized translations projected out of final vibrational analysis.
Idealized rotations projected out of final vibrational analysis.
dict, str
Returns dictionary of vibration Datum objects (fields: label units data comment).
Also returns text suitable for printing.
.. _`table:vibaspectinfo`:
| key | description (label & comment) | units | data (real/imaginary modes) |
| omega | frequency | cm^-1 | ndarray(ndof) complex (real/imag) |
| q | normal mode, normalized mass-weighted | a0 u^1/2 | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float |
| w | normal mode, un-mass-weighted | a0 | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float |
| x | normal mode, normalized un-mass-weighted | a0 | ndarray(ndof, ndof) float |
| degeneracy | degree of degeneracy | | ndarray(ndof) int |
| TRV | translation/rotation/vibration | | ndarray(ndof) str 'TR' or 'V' or '-' for partial |
| gamma | irreducible representation | | ndarray(ndof) str irrep or None if unclassifiable |
| mu | reduced mass | u | ndarray(ndof) float (+/+) |
| k | force constant | mDyne/A | ndarray(ndof) float (+/-) |
| DQ0 | RMS deviation v=0 | a0 u^1/2 | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0) |
| Qtp0 | Turning point v=0 | a0 u^1/2 | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0) |
| Xtp0 | Turning point v=0 | a0 | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0) |
| theta_vib | char temp | K | ndarray(ndof) float (+/0) |
| IR_intensity | infrared intensity | km/mol | ndarray(ndof) float (+/+) |
>>> # displacement of first atom in highest energy mode
>>> vibinfo['x'].data[:, -1].reshape(nat, 3)[0]
>>> # remove translations & rotations
>>> vibonly = filter_nonvib(vibinfo)
if (mass.shape[0] == geom.shape[0] == (hess.shape[0] // 3) == (hess.shape[1] // 3)) and (geom.shape[1] == 3):
raise ValidationError(
f"""Dimension mismatch among mass ({mass.shape}), geometry ({geom.shape}), and Hessian ({hess.shape})""")
def mat_symm_info(a, atol=1e-14, lbl='array', stol=None):
symm = np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=atol)
herm = np.allclose(a, a.conj().T, atol=atol)
ivrt = a.shape[0] - np.linalg.matrix_rank(a, tol=stol)
return """ {:32} Symmetric? {} Hermitian? {} Lin Dep Dim? {:2}""".format(lbl + ':', symm, herm, ivrt)
def vec_in_space(vec, space, tol=1.0e-4):
merged = np.vstack((space, vec))
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(merged)
return (s[-1] < tol)
vibinfo = {}
text = []
nat = len(mass)
text.append("""\n\n ==> Harmonic Vibrational Analysis <==\n""")
if nat == 1:
nrt_expected = 3
elif np.linalg.matrix_rank(geom) == 1:
nrt_expected = 5
nrt_expected = 6
nmwhess = hess.copy()
text.append(mat_symm_info(nmwhess, lbl='non-mass-weighted Hessian') + ' (0)')
# get SALC object, possibly w/o trans & rot
mints = psi4.core.MintsHelper(basisset)
cdsalcs = mints.cdsalcs(0xFF, project_trans, project_rot)
Uh = collections.OrderedDict()
for h, lbl in enumerate(irrep_labels):
tmp = np.asarray(cdsalcs.matrix_irrep(h))
if tmp.size > 0:
Uh[lbl] = tmp
# form projector of translations and rotations
space = ('T' if project_trans else '') + ('R' if project_rot else '')
TRspace = _get_TR_space(mass, geom, space=space, tol=LINEAR_A_TOL)
nrt = TRspace.shape[0]
f' projection of translations ({project_trans}) and rotations ({project_rot}) removed {nrt} degrees of freedom ({nrt_expected})'
P = np.identity(3 * nat)
for irt in TRspace:
P -= np.outer(irt, irt)
text.append(mat_symm_info(P, lbl='total projector') + f' ({nrt})')
# mass-weight & solve
sqrtmmm = np.repeat(np.sqrt(mass), 3)
sqrtmmminv = np.divide(1.0, sqrtmmm)
mwhess = np.einsum('i,ij,j->ij', sqrtmmminv, nmwhess, sqrtmmminv)
text.append(mat_symm_info(mwhess, lbl='mass-weighted Hessian') + ' (0)')
pre_force_constant_au = np.linalg.eigvalsh(mwhess)
idx = np.argsort(pre_force_constant_au)
pre_force_constant_au = pre_force_constant_au[idx]
uconv_cm_1 = (np.sqrt(qcel.constants.na * qcel.constants.hartree2J * 1.0e19) /
(2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.c * qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms))
pre_frequency_cm_1 = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(pre_force_constant_au) * uconv_cm_1
pre_lowfreq = np.where(np.real(pre_frequency_cm_1) < 100.0)[0]
pre_lowfreq = np.append(pre_lowfreq, np.arange(nrt_expected)) # catch at least nrt modes
for lf in set(pre_lowfreq):
vlf = pre_frequency_cm_1[lf]
if vlf.imag > vlf.real:
text.append(' pre-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}i [cm^-1]'.format(vlf.real, vlf.imag))
text.append(' pre-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f} [cm^-1]'.format(vlf.real, ''))
text.append(' pre-proj all modes:' + str(_format_omega(pre_frequency_cm_1, 4)))
# project & solve
mwhess_proj = np.dot(P.T, mwhess).dot(P)
text.append(mat_symm_info(mwhess_proj, lbl='projected mass-weighted Hessian') + f' ({nrt})')
#print('projhess = ', np.array_repr(mwhess_proj))
force_constant_au, qL = np.linalg.eigh(mwhess_proj)
# expected order for vibrations is steepest downhill to steepest uphill
idx = np.argsort(force_constant_au)
force_constant_au = force_constant_au[idx]
qL = qL[:, idx]
qL = _phase_cols_to_max_element(qL)
vibinfo['q'] = Datum('normal mode', 'a0 u^1/2', qL, comment='normalized mass-weighted')
# frequency, LAB II.17
frequency_cm_1 = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(force_constant_au) * uconv_cm_1
vibinfo['omega'] = Datum('frequency', 'cm^-1', frequency_cm_1)
# degeneracies
ufreq, uinv, ucts = np.unique(np.around(frequency_cm_1, 1), return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
vibinfo['degeneracy'] = Datum('degeneracy', '', ucts[uinv])
# look among the symmetry subspaces h for one to which the normco
# of vib does *not* add an extra dof to the vector space
active = []
irrep_classification = []
for idx, vib in enumerate(frequency_cm_1):
if vec_in_space(qL[:, idx], TRspace, 1.0e-4):
for h in Uh.keys():
if vec_in_space(qL[:, idx], Uh[h], 1.0e-4):
# catch partial Hessians
if np.linalg.norm(vib) < 1.e-3:
active[-1] = '-'
vibinfo['TRV'] = Datum('translation/rotation/vibration', '', active, numeric=False)
vibinfo['gamma'] = Datum('irreducible representation', '', irrep_classification, numeric=False)
lowfreq = np.where(np.real(frequency_cm_1) < 100.0)[0]
lowfreq = np.append(lowfreq, np.arange(nrt_expected)) # catch at least nrt modes
for lf in set(lowfreq):
vlf = frequency_cm_1[lf]
if vlf.imag > vlf.real:
text.append(' post-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f}i [cm^-1] ({})'.format(vlf.imag, active[lf]))
text.append(' post-proj low-frequency mode: {:9.4f} [cm^-1] ({})'.format(vlf.real, active[lf]))
text.append(' post-proj all modes:' + str(_format_omega(frequency_cm_1, 4)) + '\n')
if project_trans and not project_rot:
text.append(f' Note that "Vibration"s include {nrt_expected - 3} un-projected rotation-like modes.')
elif not project_trans and not project_rot:
f' Note that "Vibration"s include {nrt_expected} un-projected rotation-like and translation-like modes.')
# general conversion factors, LAB II.11
uconv_K = (qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.na * 1.0e21) / (8 * np.pi * np.pi * qcel.constants.c)
uconv_S = np.sqrt((qcel.constants.c * (2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms)**2) /
(qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.na * 1.0e21))
# normco & reduced mass, LAB II.14 & II.15
wL = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', sqrtmmminv, qL)
vibinfo['w'] = Datum('normal mode', 'a0', wL, comment='un-mass-weighted')
reduced_mass_u = np.divide(1.0, np.linalg.norm(wL, axis=0)**2)
vibinfo['mu'] = Datum('reduced mass', 'u', reduced_mass_u)
xL = np.sqrt(reduced_mass_u) * wL
vibinfo['x'] = Datum('normal mode', 'a0', xL, comment='normalized un-mass-weighted')
# IR intensities, CCQC Proj. Eqns. 15-16
uconv_kmmol = (qcel.constants.get("Avogadro constant") * np.pi * 1.e-3 * qcel.constants.get("electron mass in u") *
qcel.constants.get("fine-structure constant")**2 * qcel.constants.get("atomic unit of length") / 3)
uconv_D2A2u = (qcel.constants.get('atomic unit of electric dipole mom.') * 1.e11 /
qcel.constants.get('hertz-inverse meter relationship') /
qcel.constants.get('atomic unit of length'))**2
if not (dipder is None or np.array(dipder).size == 0):
qDD = dipder.dot(wL)
ir_intensity = np.zeros(qDD.shape[1])
for i in range(qDD.shape[1]):
ir_intensity[i] = qDD[:, i].dot(qDD[:, i])
# working but not needed
#vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', 'Eh a0/u', ir_intensity)
#ir_intensity_D2A2u = ir_intensity * uconv_D2A2u
#vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', '(D/AA)^2/u', ir_intens_D2A2u)
ir_intensity_kmmol = ir_intensity * uconv_kmmol
vibinfo['IR_intensity'] = Datum('infrared intensity', 'km/mol', ir_intensity_kmmol)
# force constants, LAB II.16 (real compensates for earlier sqrt)
uconv_mdyne_a = (0.1 * (2 * np.pi * qcel.constants.c)**2) / qcel.constants.na
force_constant_mdyne_a = reduced_mass_u * (frequency_cm_1 * frequency_cm_1).real * uconv_mdyne_a
vibinfo['k'] = Datum('force constant', 'mDyne/A', force_constant_mdyne_a)
force_constant_cm_1_bb = reduced_mass_u * (frequency_cm_1 * frequency_cm_1).real * uconv_S * uconv_S
Datum('force constant', 'cm^-1/a0^2', force_constant_cm_1_bb, comment="Hooke's Law")
# turning points, LAB II.20 (real & zero since turning point silly for imag modes)
nu = 0
turning_point_rnc = np.sqrt(2.0 * nu + 1.0)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
turning_point_bohr_u = turning_point_rnc / (np.sqrt(frequency_cm_1.real) * uconv_S)
turning_point_bohr_u[turning_point_bohr_u == np.inf] = 0.
vibinfo['Qtp0'] = Datum('Turning point v=0', 'a0 u^1/2', turning_point_bohr_u)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
turning_point_bohr = turning_point_rnc / (np.sqrt(frequency_cm_1.real * reduced_mass_u) * uconv_S)
turning_point_bohr[turning_point_bohr == np.inf] = 0.
vibinfo['Xtp0'] = Datum('Turning point v=0', 'a0', turning_point_bohr)
rms_deviation_bohr_u = turning_point_bohr_u / np.sqrt(2.0)
vibinfo['DQ0'] = Datum('RMS deviation v=0', 'a0 u^1/2', rms_deviation_bohr_u)
# characteristic vibrational temperature, RAK thermo & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrational_temperature
# (imag freq zeroed)
uconv_K = 100 * qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.c / qcel.constants.kb
vib_temperature_K = frequency_cm_1.real * uconv_K
vibinfo['theta_vib'] = Datum('char temp', 'K', vib_temperature_K)
return vibinfo, '\n'.join(text)
def _br(string):
return '[' + string + ']'
def _format_omega(omega, decimals):
"""Return complex frequencies in `omega` into strings showing only real or imag ("i"-labeled)
to `decimals` precision.
freqs = []
for fr in omega:
if fr.imag > fr.real:
freqs.append("""{:.{prec}f}i""".format(fr.imag, prec=decimals))
freqs.append("""{:.{prec}f}""".format(fr.real, prec=decimals))
return np.array(freqs)
def print_vibs(vibinfo: Dict[str, Datum], atom_lbl: List[str] = None, *, normco: str = 'x', shortlong: bool = True, groupby: int = None, prec: int = 4, ncprec: int = None) -> str:
"""Pretty printer for vibrational analysis.
Results of a Hessian solution.
Atomic symbols for printing. If None, integers used.
{'q', 'w', 'x'}
Which normal coordinate definition to print (reduced mass, etc. unaffected by this parameter). Must be
* `q` [a0 u^1/2], the mass-weighted normalized eigenvectors of the Hessian,
* `w` [a0], the un-mass-weighted (Cartesian) of q, or
* `x` [a0], the normalized w.
Whether normal coordinates should be in (nat, 3) `True` or (nat * 3, 1) `False` format.
How many normal coordinates per row. Defaults to 3/6 for shortlong=T/F. Value of `-1` uses one row.
Number of decimal places for frequencies, reduced masses, etc.
Number of decimal places for normal coordinates. Defaults to 2 for shortlong=short and 4 for shortlong=long.
String suitable for printing.
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
# grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
if normco not in ['q', 'w', 'x']:
raise ValidationError("""Requested normal coordinates not among allowed q/w/x: """ + normco)
nat = int(len(vibinfo['q'].data[:, 0]) / 3)
if atom_lbl is None:
atom_lbl = [''] * nat
active = [idx for idx, trv in enumerate(vibinfo['TRV'].data) if trv == 'V']
presp = 2
colsp = 2
if shortlong:
groupby = groupby if groupby else 3
ncprec = ncprec if ncprec else 2
width = (ncprec + 4) * 3
prewidth = 24
groupby = groupby if groupby else 6
ncprec = ncprec if ncprec else 4
width = ncprec + 8
prewidth = 24
if groupby == -1:
groupby = len(active)
omega_str = _format_omega(vibinfo['omega'].data, decimals=prec)
text = ''
for row in grouper(active, groupby):
text += """\n{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('', 'Vibration', prewidth=prewidth, presp=presp)
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
# ran out of vibrations in this row
text += """{:^{width}d}{:{colsp}}""".format(vib + 1, '', width=width, colsp=colsp)
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('', 'Freq [cm^-1]', prewidth=prewidth, presp=presp)
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}} """.format(omega_str[vib], width=width)
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('', 'Irrep', prewidth=prewidth, presp=presp)
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
val = vibinfo['gamma'].data[vib]
if val is None:
val = ''
text += """{:^{width}}{:{colsp}}""".format(val, '', width=width, colsp=colsp)
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'Reduced mass ' + _br(vibinfo['mu'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['mu'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'Force const ' + _br(vibinfo['k'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['k'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'Turning point v=0 ' + _br(vibinfo['Xtp0'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['Xtp0'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'RMS dev v=0 ' + _br(vibinfo['DQ0'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['DQ0'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
if 'IR_intensity' in vibinfo:
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'IR activ ' + _br(vibinfo['IR_intensity'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['IR_intensity'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
if 'theta_vib' in vibinfo:
text += """{:{presp}}{:{prewidth}}""".format('',
'Char temp ' + _br(vibinfo['theta_vib'].units),
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}{:{colsp}}""".format(vibinfo['theta_vib'].data[vib],
text += '\n'
#text += 'Raman activ [A^4/u]\n'
text += ' ' * presp + '-' * (prewidth + groupby * (width + colsp) - colsp) + '\n'
if shortlong:
for at in range(nat):
text += """{:{presp}}{:5d} {:{width}}""".format('',
at + 1,
width=prewidth - 8,
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += ("""{:^{width}.{prec}f}""" * 3).format(*(vibinfo[normco].data[:, vib].reshape(nat, 3)[at]),
width=int(width / 3),
text += """{:{colsp}}""".format('', colsp=colsp)
text += '\n'
for at in range(nat):
for xyz in range(3):
text += """{:{presp}}{:5d} {} {:{width}}""".format('',
at + 1,
'XYZ' [xyz],
width=prewidth - 14,
for vib in row:
if vib is None:
text += """{:^{width}.{prec}f}""".format((vibinfo[normco].data[3 * at + xyz, vib]),
text += """{:{colsp}}""".format('', colsp=colsp)
text += '\n'
return text
def thermo(vibinfo, T: float, P: float, multiplicity: int, molecular_mass: float, E0: float, sigma: int, rot_const: np.ndarray, rotor_type: str = None) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Datum], str]:
"""Perform thermochemical analysis from vibrational output.
Electronic energy [Eh] at well bottom at 0 [K], :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY`.
Mass in [u] of molecule under analysis.
Spin multiplicity of molecule under analysis.
(3,) rotational constants in [cm^-1] of molecule under analysis.
The rotational or external symmetry number determined from the point group.
The rotor type for rotational stat mech purposes: RT_ATOM, RT_LINEAR, other.
Temperature in [K]. Psi default 298.15. Note that 273.15 is IUPAC STP.
Pressure in [Pa]. Psi default 101325. Note that 100000 is IUPAC STP.
dict, str
First is every thermochemistry component in atomic units along with input conditions.
Second is formatted presentation of analysis.
sm = collections.defaultdict(float)
# conditions
therminfo = {}
therminfo['E0'] = Datum('E0', 'Eh', E0)
therminfo['B'] = Datum('rotational constants', 'cm^-1', rot_const)
therminfo['sigma'] = Datum('external symmetry number', '', sigma)
therminfo['T'] = Datum('temperature', 'K', T)
therminfo['P'] = Datum('pressure', 'Pa', P)
# electronic
q_elec = multiplicity
sm[('S', 'elec')] = math.log(q_elec)
# translational
beta = 1 / (qcel.constants.kb * T)
q_trans = (2.0 * np.pi * molecular_mass * qcel.constants.amu2kg /
(beta * qcel.constants.h * qcel.constants.h))**1.5 * qcel.constants.na / (beta * P)
sm[('S', 'trans')] = 5 / 2 + math.log(q_trans / qcel.constants.na)
sm[('Cv', 'trans')] = 3 / 2
sm[('Cp', 'trans')] = 5 / 2
sm[('E', 'trans')] = 3 / 2 * T
sm[('H', 'trans')] = 5 / 2 * T
# rotational
if rotor_type == "RT_ATOM":
elif rotor_type == "RT_LINEAR":
q_rot = 1. / (beta * sigma * 100 * qcel.constants.c * qcel.constants.h * rot_const[1])
sm[('S', 'rot')] = 1.0 + math.log(q_rot)
sm[('Cv', 'rot')] = 1
sm[('Cp', 'rot')] = 1
sm[('E', 'rot')] = T
phi_A, phi_B, phi_C = rot_const * 100 * qcel.constants.c * qcel.constants.h / qcel.constants.kb
q_rot = math.sqrt(math.pi) * T**1.5 / (sigma * math.sqrt(phi_A * phi_B * phi_C))
sm[('S', 'rot')] = 3 / 2 + math.log(q_rot)
sm[('Cv', 'rot')] = 3 / 2
sm[('Cp', 'rot')] = 3 / 2
sm[('E', 'rot')] = 3 / 2 * T
sm[('H', 'rot')] = sm[('E', 'rot')]
# vibrational
vibonly = filter_nonvib(vibinfo)
ZPE_cm_1 = 1 / 2 * np.sum(vibonly['omega'].data.real)
omega_str = _format_omega(vibonly['omega'].data, decimals=4)
imagfreqidx = np.where(vibonly['omega'].data.imag > vibonly['omega'].data.real)[0]
if len(imagfreqidx):
print("Warning: thermodynamics relations excluded imaginary frequencies: {}".format(omega_str[imagfreqidx]))
filtered_theta_vib = np.delete(vibonly['theta_vib'].data, imagfreqidx, None)
filtered_omega_str = np.delete(omega_str, imagfreqidx, None)
rT = filtered_theta_vib / T # reduced temperature
lowfreqidx = np.where(filtered_theta_vib < 900.)[0]
if len(lowfreqidx):
print("Warning: used thermodynamics relations inappropriate for low-frequency modes: {}".format(
sm[('S', 'vib')] = np.sum(rT / np.expm1(rT) - np.log(1 - np.exp(-rT)))
sm[('Cv', 'vib')] = np.sum(np.exp(rT) * (rT / np.expm1(rT))**2)
sm[('Cp', 'vib')] = sm[('Cv', 'vib')]
sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] = np.sum(rT) * T / 2
sm[('E', 'vib')] = sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] + np.sum(rT * T / np.expm1(rT))
sm[('H', 'vib')] = sm[('E', 'vib')]
assert (abs(ZPE_cm_1 - sm[('ZPE', 'vib')] * qcel.constants.R * qcel.constants.hartree2wavenumbers * 0.001 /
qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol) < 0.1)
#real_vibs = np.ma.masked_where(vibinfo['omega'].data.imag > vibinfo['omega'].data.real, vibinfo['omega'].data)
# compute Gibbs
for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
sm[('G', term)] = sm[('H', term)] - T * sm[('S', term)]
# convert to atomic units
for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
# terms above are unitless (S, Cv, Cp) or in units of temperature (ZPE, E, H, G) as expressions are divided by R.
# R [Eh/K], computed as below, slightly diff in 7th sigfig from 3.1668114e-6 (k_B in [Eh/K])
# value listed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_constant
uconv_R_EhK = qcel.constants.R / qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol
for piece in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
sm[(piece, term)] *= uconv_R_EhK # [mEh/K] <-- []
for piece in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
sm[(piece, term)] *= uconv_R_EhK * 0.001 # [Eh] <-- [K]
# sum corrections and totals
for piece in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
sm[(piece, 'tot')] += sm[(piece, term)]
for piece in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
for term in ['elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib']:
sm[(piece, 'corr')] += sm[(piece, term)]
sm[(piece, 'tot')] = E0 + sm[(piece, 'corr')]
terms = collections.OrderedDict()
terms['elec'] = ' Electronic'
terms['trans'] = ' Translational'
terms['rot'] = ' Rotational'
terms['vib'] = ' Vibrational'
terms['tot'] = 'Total'
terms['corr'] = 'Correction'
# package results for export
for entry in sm:
if entry[0] in ['S', 'Cv', 'Cp']:
unit = 'mEh/K'
elif entry[0] in ['ZPE', 'E', 'H', 'G']:
unit = 'Eh'
therminfo['_'.join(entry)] = Datum(terms[entry[1]].strip().lower() + ' ' + entry[0], unit, sm[entry])
# display
format_S_Cv_Cp = """\n {:19} {:11.3f} [cal/(mol K)] {:11.3f} [J/(mol K)] {:15.8f} [mEh/K]"""
format_ZPE_E_H_G = """\n {:19} {:11.3f} [kcal/mol] {:11.3f} [kJ/mol] {:15.8f} [Eh]"""
uconv = np.asarray([qcel.constants.hartree2kcalmol, qcel.constants.hartree2kJmol, 1.])
# TODO rot_const, rotor_type
text = ''
text += """\n ==> Thermochemistry Components <=="""
text += """\n\n Entropy, S"""
for term in terms:
text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' S', *sm[('S', term)] * uconv)
if term == 'elec':
text += """ (multiplicity = {})""".format(multiplicity)
elif term == 'trans':
text += """ (mol. weight = {:.4f} [u], P = {:.2f} [Pa])""".format(molecular_mass, P)
elif term == 'rot':
text += """ (symmetry no. = {})""".format(sigma)
text += """\n\n Constant volume heat capacity, Cv"""
for term in terms:
text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' Cv', *sm[('Cv', term)] * uconv)
text += """\n\n Constant pressure heat capacity, Cp"""
for term in terms:
text += format_S_Cv_Cp.format(terms[term] + ' Cp', *sm[('Cp', term)] * uconv)
del terms['tot']
terms['corr'] = 'Correction'
text += """\n\n ==> Thermochemistry Energy Analysis <=="""
text += """\n\n Raw electronic energy, E0"""
text += """\n Total E0, Electronic energy at well bottom at 0 [K] {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(E0)
text += """\n\n Zero-point energy, ZPE_vib = Sum_i nu_i / 2"""
for term in terms:
text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' ZPE', *sm[('ZPE', term)] * uconv)
if term in ['vib', 'corr']:
text += """ {:15.3f} [cm^-1]""".format(sm[('ZPE', term)] * qcel.constants.hartree2wavenumbers)
text += """\n Total ZPE, Electronic energy at 0 [K] {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
sm[('ZPE', 'tot')])
text += """\n\n Thermal Energy, E (includes ZPE)"""
for term in terms:
text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' E', *sm[('E', term)] * uconv)
text += """\n Total E, Electronic energy at {:7.2f} [K] {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
T, sm[('E', 'tot')])
text += """\n\n Enthalpy, H_trans = E_trans + k_B * T"""
for term in terms:
text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' H', *sm[('H', term)] * uconv)
text += """\n Total H, Enthalpy at {:7.2f} [K] {:15.8f} [Eh]""".format(
T, sm[('H', 'tot')])
text += """\n\n Gibbs free energy, G = H - T * S"""
for term in terms:
text += format_ZPE_E_H_G.format(terms[term] + ' G', *sm[('G', term)] * uconv)
text += """\n Total G, Free enthalpy at {:7.2f} [K] {:15.8f} [Eh]\n""".format(
T, sm[('G', 'tot')])
return therminfo, text
def filter_nonvib(vibinfo: Dict[str, Datum], remove: List[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Datum]:
"""From a dictionary of vibration Datum, remove normal coordinates.
Results of Hessian analysis.
0-indexed indices of normal modes to remove from `vibinfo`. If
None, non-vibrations (R, T, or TR as labeled in `vibinfo['TRV']`)
will be removed.
Copy of input `vibinfo` with the specified modes removed from all
dictionary entries.
>>> # after a harmonic analysis, remove first translations and rotations and then all non-A1 vibs
>>> allnormco = harmonic_analysis(...)
>>> allvibs = filter_nonvib(allnormco)
>>> a1vibs = filter_nonvib(allvibs, remove=[i for i, d in enumerate(allvibs['gamma'].data) if d != 'A1'])
work = {}
if remove is None:
remove = [idx for idx, dat in enumerate(vibinfo['TRV'].data) if dat != 'V']
for asp, oasp in vibinfo.items():
if asp in ['q', 'w', 'x']:
axis = 1
axis = 0
work[asp] = Datum(oasp.label, oasp.units, np.delete(oasp.data, remove, axis=axis), comment=oasp.comment, numeric=False)
return work
def filter_omega_to_real(omega: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns ndarray (float) of `omega` (complex) where imaginary entries are converted to negative reals."""
freqs = []
for fr in omega:
if fr.imag > fr.real:
freqs.append(-1 * fr.imag)
return np.asarray(freqs)
def _get_TR_space(m: np.ndarray, geom: np.ndarray, space: str = 'TR', tol: float = None, verbose: int = 1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Form the idealized translation and rotation dof from geometry `geom` and masses `m`.
Remove any linear dependencies and return an array of shape (3, 3) for atoms, (5, 3 * nat) for linear `geom`,
or (6, 3 * nat) otherwise. To handle noisy linear geometries, pass `tol` on the order of max deviation.
m1 = np.asarray([1.])
m2 = np.asarray([1., 1.])
m3 = np.asarray([1., 1., 1.])
m4 = np.asarray([1., 1., 1., 1.])
g4 = np.asarray([[ 1., 1., 0.],
[-1., 1., 0.],
[-1., -1., 0.],
[ 1., -1., 0.]])
g2 = np.asarray([[ 1., 1., 0.],
[-1., -1., 0.]])
g3 = np.asarray([[3., 3., 3.],
[4., 4., 4.,],
[5., 5., 5.]])
g3noisy = np.asarray([[3., 3.001, 3.],
[4., 4.001, 4.,],
[5., 5., 5.01]])
g33 = np.asarray([[0., 0., 0.],
[1., 0., 0.],
[-1., 0., 0.]])
g1 = np.asarray([[0., 0., 0.]])
g11 = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3.]])
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, 9).reshape(3, 3)
noise = np.divide(noise, np.max(noise))
assert(_get_TR_space(m4, g4).shape == (6, 12))
assert(_get_TR_space(m2, g2).shape == (5, 6))
assert(_get_TR_space(m3, g3).shape == (5, 9))
assert(_get_TR_space(m3, g33).shape == (5, 9))
assert(_get_TR_space(m1, g1).shape == (3, 3))
assert(_get_TR_space(m1, g11).shape == (3, 3))
assert(_get_TR_space(m3, g3noisy, tol=1.e-2).shape == (5, 9))
for ns in range(2, 6):
tol = 10. ** -ns
gnoisy = g3 + tol * noise
assert(_get_TR_space(m3, gnoisy, tol=10*tol).shape == (5, 9))
sqrtmmm = np.repeat(np.sqrt(m), 3)
xxx = np.repeat(geom[:, 0], 3)
yyy = np.repeat(geom[:, 1], 3)
zzz = np.repeat(geom[:, 2], 3)
z = np.zeros_like(m)
i = np.ones_like(m)
ux = np.ravel([i, z, z], order='F')
uy = np.ravel([z, i, z], order='F')
uz = np.ravel([z, z, i], order='F')
# form translation and rotation unit vectors
T1 = sqrtmmm * ux
T2 = sqrtmmm * uy
T3 = sqrtmmm * uz
R4 = sqrtmmm * (yyy * uz - zzz * uy)
R5 = sqrtmmm * (zzz * ux - xxx * uz)
R6 = sqrtmmm * (xxx * uy - yyy * ux)
TRspace = []
if 'T' in space:
TRspace.append([T1, T2, T3])
if 'R' in space:
TRspace.append([R4, R5, R6])
if not TRspace:
# not sure about this, but it runs
ZZ = np.zeros_like(T1)
TRspace = np.vstack(TRspace)
def orth(A, tol=tol):
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)
if verbose >= 2:
M, N = A.shape
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
if tol is None:
tol = max(M, N) * np.amax(s) * eps
num = np.sum(s > tol, dtype=int)
Q = u[:, :num]
return Q
TRindep = orth(TRspace.T)
TRindep = TRindep.T
if verbose >= 2:
print(TRindep.shape, '<--', TRspace.shape)
print(np.linalg.norm(TRindep, axis=1))
print('-' * 80)
return TRindep