- class psi4.core.MintsHelper¶
Computes integrals
Methods Summary
(self, atom, aux_name)Gradient of AO basis 3-center, density-fitted integrals: returns 3 matrices
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self)Vector AO angular momentum integrals
(self)Vector AO dipole integrals
(self, arg0)AO dkh integrals
(self, origin[, deriv])Vector AO EFP multipole integrals
(self, atom)Gradient of AO basis electric dipole integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, omega[, factory])AO ERF integrals
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, M, N, P, Q)AO ERI Shell
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, corr)AO F12 double commutator integrals
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, corr)AO F12G12 integrals
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, atom, aux_name)Gradient of AO basis metric integrals: returns 3 matrices
(self, order, origin)Vector AO multipole potential integrals
(self, order, origin)Vector AO multipole integrals
(self)Vector AO nabla integrals
(self, oei_type, atom)Gradient of AO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, oei_type, atom1, atom2)Hessian of AO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self, side, atom)Half-derivative of AO basis overlap integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self)AO pvp integrals
(self)Vector AO quadrupole integrals
(self, atom[, omega, factory])Gradient of AO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, atom1, atom2)Hessian of AO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
(self)Vector AO traceless quadrupole integrals
(self)Returns the basis set being used
(self, arg0, arg1, arg2)Returns a CdSalcList object
(self, arg0)First nuclear derivative T + V + Perturb integrals
(self, arg0)First nuclear derivative dipole integrals
(self, origin[, deriv])Vector electric field integrals
(self, arg0, arg1)Electric field expectation value at given sites
(self, charges, ...)Electrostatic potential values at given sites with associated charge, specified as an (n_sites, 4) matrix.
(self[, exponent])F12 Fitted Slater Correlation Factor
(self)Returns the Matrix factory being used
(self, arg0, arg1)Induction operator, formed by contracting electric field integrals with dipole moments at given coordinates (needed for EFP and PE)
(self)Integral factory being used
(self)Molecular integrals
(self[, w])ERF integrals
(self[, w])ERFC integrals
(self, arg0)First nuclear derivative kinetic integrals
(self, atom, C1, C2)Gradient of MO basis electric dipole integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, omega, C1, C2, C3, C4)MO ERFC Omega Integrals
(self, C1, C2, C3, C4)MO ERI Integrals.
(self, corr, C1, C2, C3, C4)MO F12 Integrals
(self, corr, C1, C2, ...)MO F12 double commutator integrals
(self, corr, C1, C2, C3, C4)MO F12 squared integrals
(self, corr, C1, C2, C3, C4)MO F12G12 integrals
(self, oei_type, atom, C1, C2)Gradient of MO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, oei_type, atom1, atom2, ...)Hessian of MO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
(self, side, atom, C1, C2)Half-derivative of MO basis overlap integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, C1, C2)Symmetric MO Spin ERI Integrals
(self, atom, C1, C2, C3, C4)Gradient of MO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
(self, atom1, atom2, C1, C2, C3, C4)Hessian of MO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
(self, Iso, C1, C2, C3, C4)N^5 ao to mo transfrom, in memory
(self, D, order, origin)First nuclear derivative multipole integrals
(self)Returns the number of basis functions
(self)Standard one-electron integrals
(self, arg0)First nuclear derivative overlap integrals
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self)Returns petite list, which transforms AO basis functions to SO's
(self, include_pure_transform)Returns petite list which transforms AO basis functions to SO's, setting argument to true is for Cartesian basis, false is for Spherical Harmonic basis
(self)play function
(self, arg0)First nuclear derivative potential integrals
(self, label, basis)Sets a basis set
(self, arg0)Sets the print level
(self)Vector SO angular momentum integrals
(self)Vector SO dipole integrals
(self, arg0)SO dkh integrals
(self[, include_perturbations])SO basis kinetic integrals
(self)Vector SO nabla integrals
(self[, include_perturbations])SO basis overlap integrals
(self[, include_perturbations])SO basis potential integrals
(self)Vector SO quadrupole integrals
(self)Vector SO traceless quadrupole integrals
(self)Returns the SO basis set being used
Methods Documentation
- ao_3center_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int, aux_name: str) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of AO basis 3-center, density-fitted integrals: returns 3 matrices
- ao_3coverlap(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_3coverlap(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) -> psi4.core.Matrix
3 Center overlap integrals
ao_3coverlap(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, bs1: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs2: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs3: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
3 Center overlap integrals
- ao_angular_momentum(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO angular momentum integrals
- ao_dipole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO dipole integrals
- ao_dkh(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: int) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO dkh integrals
- ao_efp_multipole_potential(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, origin: List[float], deriv: int = 0) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO EFP multipole integrals
- ao_elec_dip_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of AO basis electric dipole integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- ao_erf_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, omega: float, factory: psi4.core.IntegralFactory = None) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO ERF integrals
- ao_eri(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, factory: psi4.core.IntegralFactory = None) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO ERI integrals
ao_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, bs1: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs2: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs3: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs4: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO ERI integrals
- ao_eri_shell(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, M: int, N: int, P: int, Q: int) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO ERI Shell
- ao_f12(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_f12(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]]) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO F12 integrals
ao_f12(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], bs1: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs2: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs3: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs4: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO F12 integrals
- ao_f12_double_commutator(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]]) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO F12 double commutator integrals
- ao_f12_squared(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_f12_squared(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]]) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO F12 squared integrals
ao_f12_squared(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], bs1: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs2: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs3: psi4.core.BasisSet, bs4: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO F12 squared integrals
- ao_f12g12(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]]) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO F12G12 integrals
- ao_kinetic(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_kinetic(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO basis kinetic integrals
ao_kinetic(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.BasisSet, arg1: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO mixed basis kinetic integrals
- ao_metric_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int, aux_name: str) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of AO basis metric integrals: returns 3 matrices
- ao_multipole_potential(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, order: int, origin: List[float], deriv: int = 0) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO multipole potential integrals
- ao_multipoles(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, order: int, origin: List[float]) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO multipole integrals
- ao_nabla(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO nabla integrals
- ao_oei_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, oei_type: str, atom: int) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of AO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- ao_oei_deriv2(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, oei_type: str, atom1: int, atom2: int) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Hessian of AO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
- ao_overlap(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_overlap(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO basis overlap integrals
ao_overlap(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.BasisSet, arg1: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO mixed basis overlap integrals
- ao_overlap_half_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, side: str, atom: int) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Half-derivative of AO basis overlap integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- ao_potential(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
ao_potential(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO potential integrals
ao_potential(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.BasisSet, arg1: psi4.core.BasisSet) -> psi4.core.Matrix
AO mixed basis potential integrals
- ao_pvp(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
AO pvp integrals
- ao_quadrupole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO quadrupole integrals
- ao_tei_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int, omega: float = 0.0, factory: psi4.core.IntegralFactory = None) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of AO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- ao_tei_deriv2(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom1: int, atom2: int) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Hessian of AO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
- ao_traceless_quadrupole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector AO traceless quadrupole integrals
- basisset(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.BasisSet ¶
Returns the basis set being used
- cdsalcs(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: int, arg1: bool, arg2: bool) psi4.core.CdSalcList ¶
Returns a CdSalcList object
- core_hamiltonian_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative T + V + Perturb integrals
- dipole_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative dipole integrals
- electric_field(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, origin: List[float], deriv: int = 0) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector electric field integrals
- electric_field_value(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix, arg1: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
Electric field expectation value at given sites
- electrostatic_potential_value(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, charges: psi4.core.Vector, coords: psi4.core.Matrix, D: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Vector ¶
Electrostatic potential values at given sites with associated charge, specified as an (n_sites, 4) matrix.
- f12_cgtg(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, exponent: float = 1.0) List[Tuple[float, float]] ¶
F12 Fitted Slater Correlation Factor
- factory(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.MatrixFactory ¶
Returns the Matrix factory being used
- induction_operator(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix, arg1: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
Induction operator, formed by contracting electric field integrals with dipole moments at given coordinates (needed for EFP and PE)
- integral(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.IntegralFactory ¶
Integral factory being used
- integrals(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) None ¶
Molecular integrals
- integrals_erf(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, w: float = -1.0) None ¶
ERF integrals
- integrals_erfc(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, w: float = -1.0) None ¶
ERFC integrals
- kinetic_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative kinetic integrals
- mo_elec_dip_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of MO basis electric dipole integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- mo_erf_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, omega: float, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO ERFC Omega Integrals
- mo_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO ERI Integrals. Pass appropriate MO coefficients in the AO basis.
- mo_f12(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO F12 Integrals
- mo_f12_double_commutator(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO F12 double commutator integrals
- mo_f12_squared(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO F12 squared integrals
- mo_f12g12(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, corr: List[Tuple[float, float]], C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
MO F12G12 integrals
- mo_oei_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, oei_type: str, atom: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of MO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- mo_oei_deriv2(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, oei_type: str, atom1: int, atom2: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Hessian of MO basis OEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
- mo_overlap_half_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, side: str, atom: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Half-derivative of MO basis overlap integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- mo_spin_eri(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
Symmetric MO Spin ERI Integrals
- mo_tei_deriv1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Gradient of MO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms) matrices
- mo_tei_deriv2(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, atom1: int, atom2: int, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Hessian of MO basis TEI integrals: returns (3 * natoms)^2 matrices
- mo_transform(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, Iso: psi4.core.Matrix, C1: psi4.core.Matrix, C2: psi4.core.Matrix, C3: psi4.core.Matrix, C4: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
N^5 ao to mo transfrom, in memory
- multipole_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, D: psi4.core.Matrix, order: int, origin: List[float]) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative multipole integrals
- nbf(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) int ¶
Returns the number of basis functions
- one_electron_integrals(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) None ¶
Standard one-electron integrals
- overlap_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative overlap integrals
- perturb_grad(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
perturb_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) -> psi4.core.Matrix
First nuclear derivative perturb integrals
perturb_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> psi4.core.Matrix
First nuclear derivative perturb integrals
- petite_list(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.PetiteList ¶
Returns petite list, which transforms AO basis functions to SO’s
- petite_list1(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, include_pure_transform: bool) psi4.core.PetiteList ¶
Returns petite list which transforms AO basis functions to SO’s, setting argument to true is for Cartesian basis, false is for Spherical Harmonic basis
- play(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) None ¶
play function
- potential_grad(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
First nuclear derivative potential integrals
- set_basisset(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, label: str, basis: psi4.core.BasisSet) None ¶
Sets a basis set
- set_print(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: int) None ¶
Sets the print level
- so_angular_momentum(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector SO angular momentum integrals
- so_dipole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector SO dipole integrals
- so_dkh(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, arg0: int) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
SO dkh integrals
- so_kinetic(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, include_perturbations: bool = True) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
SO basis kinetic integrals
- so_nabla(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector SO nabla integrals
- so_overlap(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, include_perturbations: bool = True) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
SO basis overlap integrals
- so_potential(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper, include_perturbations: bool = True) psi4.core.Matrix ¶
SO basis potential integrals
- so_quadrupole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector SO quadrupole integrals
- so_traceless_quadrupole(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) List[psi4.core.Matrix] ¶
Vector SO traceless quadrupole integrals
- sobasisset(self: psi4.core.MintsHelper) psi4.core.SOBasisSet ¶
Returns the SO basis set being used