Source code for psi4.driver.driver_cbs_helper

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2023 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with Psi4; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import logging
import math
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from psi4 import core

from .aliases import allen_focal_point, sherrill_gold_standard
from .constants import nppp
from .p4util.exceptions import ValidationError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_zeta_val2sym = {k + 2: v for k, v in enumerate('dtq5678')}
Extrapolatable = Union[float, core.Matrix, core.Vector]

[docs] def xtpl_highest_1(functionname: str, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, **kwargs) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Scheme for total or correlation energies with a single basis or the highest zeta-level among an array of bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'mp2') used in summary printing. zHI Zeta-level, only used for printing. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the basis set. verbose Controls volume of printing. Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Returns :math:`E_{total}^{\infty}` which is equal to valueHI. Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueHI`. Notes ----- .. math:: E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} Examples -------- >>> # [1] Fancy way to get HF/cc-pCVQZ >>>'cbs', scf_wfn='hf', scf_basis='cc-pcvqz', scf_scheme='xtpl_highest_1') """ if isinstance(valueHI, float): if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += f"""\n ==> {functionname.upper()} <==\n\n""" cbsscheme += f""" HI-zeta ({zHI}) Energy: {valueHI: 16.12f}\n""" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return valueHI elif isinstance(valueHI, np.ndarray): if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> {functionname.upper()} <==\n\n""" cbsscheme += f""" HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return valueHI
[docs] def scf_xtpl_helgaker_2(functionname: str, zLO: int, valueLO: Extrapolatable, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = None) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Extrapolation scheme using exponential form for reference energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'HF') used in summary printing. zLO Zeta number of the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. valueLO Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. zHI Zeta number of the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. Must be `zLO + 1`. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. verbose Controls volume of printing. alpha Fitted 2-point parameter. Overrides the default :math:`\alpha = 1.63` Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueLO`. Notes ----- The extrapolation is calculated according to [1]_: :math:`E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta e^{-\alpha X}, \alpha = 1.63` References ---------- .. [1] Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, & Olsen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 302 (1999) 437-446, DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00179-7 Examples -------- >>> # [1] Hartree-Fock extrapolation >>>'cbs', scf_wfn='hf', scf_basis='cc-pV[DT]Z', scf_scheme='scf_xtpl_helgaker_2') """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError( f"scf_xtpl_helgaker_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! ({type(valueLO)}, {type(valueHI)})") if alpha is None: alpha = 1.63 beta_division = 1 / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * zLO) * (math.exp(-1 * alpha) - 1)) beta_mult = math.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) if isinstance(valueLO, float): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Helgaker 2-point exponential SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % ( functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, np.ndarray): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> Helgaker 2-point exponential SCF extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n""" cbsscheme += f"""\n LO-zeta ({zLO}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueLO) cbsscheme += f"""\n HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) cbsscheme += f"""\n Alpha (exponent) Value: {alpha:16.8f}""" cbsscheme += f"""\n Beta Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(beta) cbsscheme += f"""\n Extrapolated Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(value) cbsscheme += "\n" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value else: raise ValidationError(f"scf_xtpl_helgaker_2: datatype is not recognized '{type(valueLO)}'.")
[docs] def scf_xtpl_truhlar_2(functionname: str, zLO: int, valueLO: Extrapolatable, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = None) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Extrapolation scheme using power form for reference energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'HF') used in summary printing. zLO Zeta number of the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. valueLO Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. zHI Zeta number of the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation Must be `zLO + 1`. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. verbose Controls volume of printing. alpha Overrides the default :math:`\alpha = 3.4` Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueLO`. Notes ----- The extrapolation is calculated according to [2]_: :math:`E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta X^{-\alpha}, \alpha = 3.4` References ---------- .. [2] Truhlar, Chem. Phys. Lett. 294 (1998) 45-48, DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(98)00866-5 """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError( f"scf_xtpl_truhlar_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! ({type(valueLO)}, {type(valueHI)})") if alpha is None: alpha = 3.40 beta_division = 1 / (zHI**(-1 * alpha) - zLO**(-1 * alpha)) beta_mult = zHI**(-1 * alpha) if isinstance(valueLO, float): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Truhlar 2-point power form SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % ( functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, np.ndarray): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> Truhlar 2-point power SCF extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n""" cbsscheme += f"""\n LO-zeta ({zLO}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueLO) cbsscheme += f"""\n HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) cbsscheme += f"""\n Alpha (exponent) Value: {alpha:16.8f}""" cbsscheme += f"""\n Beta Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(beta) cbsscheme += f"""\n Extrapolated Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(value) cbsscheme += "\n" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value else: raise ValidationError(f"scf_xtpl_truhlar_2: datatype is not recognized '{type(valueLO)}'.")
[docs] def scf_xtpl_karton_2(functionname: str, zLO: int, valueLO: Extrapolatable, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = None) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Extrapolation scheme using root-power form for reference energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'HF') used in summary printing. zLO Zeta number of the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. valueLO Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. zHI Zeta number of the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation Must be `zLO + 1`. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. verbose Controls volume of printing. alpha Overrides the default :math:`\alpha = 6.3` Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueLO`. Notes ----- The extrapolation is calculated according to [3]_: :math:`E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta e^{-\alpha\sqrt{X}}, \alpha = 6.3` References ---------- .. [3] Karton, Martin, Theor. Chem. Acc. 115 (2006) 330-333, DOI: 10.1007/s00214-005-0028-6 """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError( f"scf_xtpl_karton_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! ({type(valueLO)}, {type(valueHI)})") if alpha is None: alpha = 6.30 # prior to April 2022, this wrong expression was used # beta_division = 1 / (math.exp(-1 * alpha) * (math.exp(math.sqrt(zHI)) - math.exp(math.sqrt(zLO)))) beta_division = 1 / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * math.sqrt(zHI)) - math.exp(-1 * alpha * math.sqrt(zLO))) beta_mult = math.exp(-1 * alpha * math.sqrt(zHI)) if isinstance(valueLO, float): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Karton 2-point power form SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % ( functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, np.ndarray): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) * beta_division value = valueHI - beta * beta_mult if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> Karton 2-point power SCF extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n""" cbsscheme += f"""\n LO-zeta ({zLO}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueLO) cbsscheme += f"""\n HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) cbsscheme += f"""\n Alpha (exponent) Value: {alpha:16.8f}""" cbsscheme += f"""\n Beta Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(beta) cbsscheme += f"""\n Extrapolated Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(value) cbsscheme += "\n" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value else: raise ValidationError(f"scf_xtpl_Karton_2: datatype is not recognized '{type(valueLO)}'.")
[docs] def scf_xtpl_helgaker_3(functionname: str, zLO: int, valueLO: Extrapolatable, zMD: int, valueMD: Extrapolatable, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = None) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Extrapolation scheme for reference energies with three adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'HF') used in summary printing. zLO Zeta number of the smaller basis set in 3-point extrapolation. valueLO Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the smaller basis set in 3-point extrapolation. zMD Zeta number of the medium basis set in 3-point extrapolation. Must be `zLO + 1`. valueMD Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the medium basis set in 3-point extrapolation. zHI Zeta number of the larger basis set in 3-point extrapolation. Must be `zLO + 2`. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the larger basis set in 3-point extrapolation. verbose Controls volume of printing. alpha Not used. Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueLO`. Notes ----- The extrapolation is calculated according to [4]_: :math:`E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta e^{-\alpha X}, \alpha = 3.0` References ---------- .. [4] Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, & Olsen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 302 (1999) 437-446, DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00179-7 Examples -------- >>> # [1] Hartree-Fock extrapolation >>>'cbs', scf_wfn='hf', scf_basis='cc-pV[DTQ]Z', scf_scheme='scf_xtpl_helgaker_3') """ if (type(valueLO) != type(valueMD)) or (type(valueMD) != type(valueHI)): raise ValidationError( f"scf_xtpl_helgaker_3: Inputs must be of the same datatype! ({type(valueLO)}, {type(valueMD)}, {type(valueHI)})" ) if isinstance(valueLO, float): ratio = (valueHI - valueMD) / (valueMD - valueLO) alpha = -1 * math.log(ratio) beta = (valueHI - valueMD) / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * zMD) * (ratio - 1)) value = valueHI - beta * math.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Helgaker 3-point SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % ( functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ MD-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zMD), valueMD) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zMD].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, np.ndarray): nonzero_mask = np.abs(valueHI) > 1.e-14 top = (valueHI - valueMD)[nonzero_mask] bot = (valueMD - valueLO)[nonzero_mask] ratio = top / bot alpha = -1 * np.log(np.abs(ratio)) beta = top / (np.exp(-1 * alpha * zMD) * (ratio - 1)) np_value = valueHI.copy() np_value[nonzero_mask] -= beta * np.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) np_value[~nonzero_mask] = 0.0 if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> Helgaker 3-point power SCF extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n""" cbsscheme += f"""\n LO-zeta ({zLO}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueLO) cbsscheme += f"""\n MD-zeta ({zMD}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueMD) cbsscheme += f"""\n HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) cbsscheme += f"""\n Alpha Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(alpha) cbsscheme += f"""\n Beta Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(beta) cbsscheme += f"""\n Extrapolated Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(np_value) cbsscheme += "\n" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) ## Build and set from numpy routines #value = core.Matrix(*valueHI.shape) #value_view = np.asarray(value) #value_view[:] = np_value #return value return np_value else: raise ValidationError(f"scf_xtpl_helgaker_3: datatype is not recognized '{type(valueLO)}'.")
[docs] def corl_xtpl_helgaker_2(functionname: str, zLO: int, valueLO: Extrapolatable, zHI: int, valueHI: Extrapolatable, verbose: int = 1, alpha: Optional[float] = None) -> Extrapolatable: r"""Extrapolation scheme for correlation energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Parameters ---------- functionname Name of the CBS component (e.g., 'MP2') used in summary printing. zLO Zeta number of the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. valueLO Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the smaller basis set in 2-point extrapolation. zHI Zeta number of the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. Must be `zLO + 1`. valueHI Energy, gradient, or Hessian value at the larger basis set in 2-point extrapolation. verbose Controls volume of printing. alpha Overrides the default :math:`\alpha = 3.0` Returns ------- float or ~numpy.ndarray Eponymous function applied to input zetas and values; type from `valueLO`. Notes ----- The extrapolation is calculated according to [5]_: :math:`E_{corl}^X = E_{corl}^{\infty} + \beta X^{-alpha}` References ---------- .. [5] Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, Koch, Olsen, & Wilson, Chem. Phys. Lett. 286 (1998) 243-252, DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(99)00179-7 Examples -------- >>> # [1] CISD extrapolation >>> energy('cbs', corl_wfn='cisd', corl_basis='cc-pV[DT]Z', corl_scheme='corl_xtpl_helgaker_2') """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError( f"corl_xtpl_helgaker_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! ({type(valueLO)}, {type(valueHI)})") if alpha is None: alpha = 3.0 if isinstance(valueLO, float): value = (valueHI * zHI**alpha - valueLO * zLO**alpha) / (zHI**alpha - zLO**alpha) beta = (valueHI - valueLO) / (zHI**(-alpha) - zLO**(-alpha)) final = value if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = f"""\n\n ==> Helgaker 2-point correlated extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n\n""" cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % alpha cbsscheme += f""" Beta (coefficient) Value: {beta: 16.12f}\n\n""" cbsscheme += """ Extrapolated Energy: % 16.12f\n\n""" % value # Note that in energy-only days, this used to print SCF and Correlation, not Total, Energy name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), _zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (19 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % final core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return final elif isinstance(valueLO, np.ndarray): value = (valueHI * zHI**alpha - valueLO * zLO**alpha) / (zHI**alpha - zLO**alpha) beta = (valueHI - valueLO) / (zHI**(-alpha) - zLO**(-alpha)) if verbose > 2: cbsscheme = f"""\n ==> Helgaker 2-point correlated extrapolation for method: {functionname.upper()} <==\n""" cbsscheme += f"""\n LO-zeta ({zLO}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueLO) cbsscheme += f"""\n HI-zeta ({zHI}) Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(valueHI) cbsscheme += f"""\n Alpha (exponent) Value: {alpha:16.8f}""" cbsscheme += f"""\n Beta Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(beta) cbsscheme += f"""\n Extrapolated Data\n""" cbsscheme += nppp(value) cbsscheme += "\n" core.print_out(cbsscheme) logger.debug(cbsscheme) return value else: raise ValidationError(f"corl_xtpl_helgaker_2: datatype is not recognized '{type(valueLO)}'.")
xtpl_procedures = { "xtpl_highest_1": xtpl_highest_1, "scf_xtpl_helgaker_2": scf_xtpl_helgaker_2, "scf_xtpl_truhlar_2": scf_xtpl_truhlar_2, "scf_xtpl_karton_2": scf_xtpl_karton_2, "scf_xtpl_helgaker_3": scf_xtpl_helgaker_3, "corl_xtpl_helgaker_2": corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, } composite_procedures = { "sherrill_gold_standard": sherrill_gold_standard, "allen_focal_point": allen_focal_point, }
[docs] def register_xtpl_function(func: Callable): """Register a user-defined extrapolation function to use like an built-in one. Parameters ---------- func A Python function that applies a basis set extrapolation formula to scalars and optionally to NumPy arrays. See :source:`psi4/driver/` and :srcsample:`pywrap-cbs1` for examples. The name of the function should follow the pattern ``<scf|corl>_xtpl_<scientist>_<#basis>``. """ if func.__name__.split("_")[-1].isdigit(): xtpl_procedures[func.__name__] = func else: raise ValidationError("Extrapolation function names follow <scf|corl>_xtpl_<scientist>_<#basis>")
[docs] def register_composite_function(func: Callable): """Register a user-defined composite method function to use like a built-in one. Parameters ---------- func A Python function that defines a configuration of the :py:func:`` wrapper. See :source:`psi4/driver/` and :srcsample:`cbs-xtpl-nbody` for examples. """ composite_procedures[func.__name__] = func