"""Module with utility functions used by several Python functions."""
import os
import sys
import pickle
import PsiMod
import input
from psiexceptions import *
[docs]def kwargs_lower(kwargs):
"""Function to rebuild and return *kwargs* dictionary
with all keys made lowercase. Should be called by every
function that could be called directly by the user.
caseless_kwargs = {}
if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000:
# Python 2; we have to explicitly use an iterator
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
caseless_kwargs[key.lower()] = value
# Python 3; an iterator is implicit
for key, value in kwargs.items():
caseless_kwargs[key.lower()] = value
return caseless_kwargs
[docs]def get_psifile(fileno, pidspace=str(os.getpid())):
"""Function to return the full path and filename for psi file
*fileno* (e.g., psi.32) in current namespace *pidspace*.
psioh = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object()
psio = PsiMod.IO.shared_object()
filepath = psioh.get_file_path(fileno)
namespace = psio.get_default_namespace()
targetfile = filepath + 'psi' + '.' + pidspace + '.' + namespace + '.' + str(fileno)
return targetfile
[docs]def format_molecule_for_input(mol):
"""Function to return a string of the output of
:py:func:`input.process_input` applied to the XYZ
format of molecule, passed as either fragmented
geometry string *mol* or molecule instance *mol*.
Used to capture molecule information from database
modules and for distributed (sow/reap) input files.
For the reverse, see :py:func:`molutil.geometry`.
# when mol is already a string
if isinstance(mol, basestring):
mol_string = mol
mol_name = ''
# when mol is PsiMod.Molecule or qcdb.Molecule object
# save_string_for_psi4 is the more detailed choice as it includes fragment
# (and possibly no_com/no_reorient) info. but this is only available
# for qcdb Molecules. Since save_string_xyz was added to libmints just
# for the sow/reap purpose, may want to unify these fns sometime.
mol_string = mol.save_string_for_psi4()
except AttributeError:
mol_string = mol.save_string_xyz()
mol_name = mol.name()
commands = 'input.process_input("""\nmolecule %s {\n%s\n}\n""", 0)\n' % (mol_name, mol_string)
return eval(commands)
[docs]def format_options_for_input():
"""Function to return a string of commands to replicate the
current state of user-modified options. Used to capture C++
options information for distributed (sow/reap) input files.
.. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee.
- Does not cover local (as opposed to global) options.
- Does not work with array-type options.
commands = ''
commands += """\nPsiMod.set_memory(%s)\n\n""" % (PsiMod.get_memory())
for chgdopt in PsiMod.get_global_option_list():
if PsiMod.has_global_option_changed(chgdopt):
chgdoptval = PsiMod.get_global_option(chgdopt)
if isinstance(chgdoptval, basestring):
commands += """PsiMod.set_global_option('%s', '%s')\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval)
elif isinstance(chgdoptval, int) or isinstance(chgdoptval, float):
commands += """PsiMod.set_global_option('%s', %s)\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval)
raise ValidationError('Option \'%s\' is not of a type (string, int, float, bool) that can be processed.' % (chgdopt))
return commands
[docs]def format_kwargs_for_input(filename, lmode=1, **kwargs):
"""Function to pickle to file *filename* the options dictionary
*kwargs*. Mode *lmode* =2 pickles appropriate settings for
reap mode. Used to capture Python options information for
distributed (sow/reap) input files.
if lmode == 2:
kwargs['mode'] = 'reap'
kwargs['linkage'] = os.getpid()
filename.write('''\npickle_kw = ("""''')
pickle.dump(kwargs, filename)
filename.write("""\nkwargs = pickle.loads(pickle_kw)\n""")
if lmode == 2:
kwargs['mode'] = 'sow'
del kwargs['linkage']
[docs]def drop_duplicates(seq):
"""Function that given an array *seq*, returns an array without any duplicate
entries. There is no guarantee of which duplicate entry is dropped.
noDupes = []
[noDupes.append(i) for i in seq if not noDupes.count(i)]
return noDupes
[docs]def all_casings(input_string):
"""Function to return a generator of all lettercase permutations
of *input_string*.
if not input_string:
yield ""
first = input_string[:1]
if first.lower() == first.upper():
for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]):
yield first + sub_casing
for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]):
yield first.lower() + sub_casing
yield first.upper() + sub_casing
[docs]def getattr_ignorecase(module, attr):
"""Function to extract attribute *attr* from *module* if *attr*
is available in any possible lettercase permutation. Returns
attribute if available, None if not.
array = None
for per in list(all_casings(attr)):
getattr(module, per)
except AttributeError:
array = getattr(module, per)
return array
[docs]def import_ignorecase(module):
"""Function to import *module* in any possible lettercase
permutation. Returns module object if available, None if not.
modobj = None
for per in list(all_casings(module)):
modobj = __import__(per)
except ImportError:
return modobj