#import os
#import re
#import math
#import copy
#from periodictable import *
#from physconst import *
#from vecutil import *
#from exceptions import *
#from coordentry import *
from libmintsmolecule import *
[docs]class Molecule(LibmintsMolecule):
"""Class to store python extensions to the MoleculeLibmints class.
Multiple classes allows separation of libmints and extension methods.
def __init__(self, psi4molstr=None):
"""Initialize Molecule object from LibmintsMolecule"""
LibmintsMolecule.__init__(self, psi4molstr)
# The comment line
self.tagline = ""
def __str__(self):
text = """ ==> qcdb Molecule %s <==\n\n""" % (self.name())
text += """ => %s <=\n\n""" % (self.tagline)
text += self.save_string_for_psi4()
return text
[docs] def init_with_xyz(cls, xyzfilename, no_com=False, no_reorient=False):
"""Pull information from an XYZ file. No fragment info detected.
Charge, multiplicity, tagline pulled from second line if available.
>>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_xyz('h2o.xyz')
instance = cls()
instance.lock_frame = False
instance.PYmove_to_com = not no_com
instance.PYfix_orientation = no_reorient
infile = open(xyzfilename, 'r')
except IOError:
raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' does not exist.""" % (xyzfilename))
if os.stat(xyzfilename).st_size == 0:
raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' is blank.""" % (xyzfilename))
text = infile.readlines()
xyz1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\d+)\s*(bohr|au)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
xyz2 = re.compile(r'^\s*(-?\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s*$')
xyzN = re.compile(r"(?:\s*)([A-Z](?:[a-z])?)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s*)", re.IGNORECASE)
# Try to match the first line
if xyz1.match(text[0]):
fileNatom = int(xyz1.match(text[0]).group(1))
if xyz1.match(text[0]).group(2) == None:
fileUnits = 'Angstrom'
fileUnits = 'Bohr'
raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed first line\n%s" % (text[0]))
# Try to match the second line
if xyz2.match(text[1]):
instance.tagline = xyz2.match(text[1]).group(3).strip()
instance.tagline = text[1].strip()
# Next line begins the useful information.
for i in range(fileNatom):
if xyzN.match(text[2 + i]):
fileAtom = xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(1).upper()
fileX = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(2))
fileY = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(3))
fileZ = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(4))
# Check that the atom symbol is valid
if not fileAtom in el2z:
raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (atomSym))
# Add it to the molecule.
instance.add_atom(el2z[fileAtom], fileX, fileY, fileZ, fileAtom, el2masses[fileAtom])
raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed atom information line %d." % (i + 3))
except IndexError:
raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Expected atom in file at line %d.\n%s" % (i + 3, text[i + 2]))
# We need to make 1 fragment with all atoms
instance.fragments.append([0, fileNatom - 1])
# Set the units properly
instance.PYunits = fileUnits
if fileUnits == 'Bohr':
instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0
elif fileUnits == 'Angstrom':
instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms
return instance
[docs] def save_string_for_psi4(self):
"""Returns a string of Molecule formatted for psi4.
Includes fragments and reorienting, if specified.
>>> print H2OH2O.save_string_for_psi4()
0 1
O -1.55100700 -0.11452000 0.00000000
H -1.93425900 0.76250300 0.00000000
H -0.59967700 0.04071200 0.00000000
0 1
@X 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
O 1.35062500 0.11146900 0.00000000
H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 -0.75856100
H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 0.75856100
units Angstrom
Nfr = 0
text = ""
for fr in range(self.nfragments()):
if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent':
if Nfr != 0:
text += """--\n"""
Nfr += 1
text += """%d %d\n""" % (self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr])
for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1):
geom = self.full_atoms[at].compute()
text += """%-3s %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f\n""" % \
(("" if self.fZ(at) else "@") + self.full_atoms[at].symbol(), \
geom[0], geom[1], geom[2])
text += """units %s\n""" % (self.units().lower())
return text
[docs] def auto_fragments(self):
"""Detects fragments in an unfragmented molecule using BFS
algorithm. Returns a new Molecule in Cartesian, fixed-geom
(no variable values), no dummy-atom format. Any non-default
charge and multiplicity assigned to first fragment.
if self.nfragments() != 1:
print 'Molecule already fragmented so no further action by auto_fragments().'
return self
flist = self.BFS()
# form new molecule through a string since self may contain
# dummies or zmatrix specs that mayn't be valid with atom shuffling
new_geom = '\n'
if self.PYcharge_specified or self.PYmultiplicity_specified:
new_geom = """\n %d %d\n""" % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity())
for fr in range(len(flist)):
new_geom += "" if fr == 0 else " --\n"
for at in flist[fr]:
geom = self.atoms[at].compute()
new_geom += """%-4s """ % (("" if self.Z(at) else "@") + self.symbol(at))
for j in range(3):
new_geom += """ %17.12f""" % (geom[j])
new_geom += "\n"
new_geom += " units %s\n" % (self.units())
if not self.PYmove_to_com:
new_geom += " no_com\n"
if self.orientation_fixed():
new_geom += " no_reorient\n"
subset = Molecule(new_geom)
return subset
[docs] def BFS(self):
"""Perform a breadth-first search (BFS) on the real atoms
in molecule, returning an array of atom indices of fragments.
Relies upon van der Waals radii and so faulty for close
(esp. hydrogen-bonded) fragments. Original code from
Michael S. Marshall.
vdW_diameter = {
'H': 1.001 / 1.5,
'HE': 1.012 / 1.5,
'LI': 0.825 / 1.5,
'BE': 1.408 / 1.5,
'B': 1.485 / 1.5,
'C': 1.452 / 1.5,
'N': 1.397 / 1.5,
'O': 1.342 / 1.5,
'F': 1.287 / 1.5,
'NE': 1.243 / 1.5,
'NA': 1.144 / 1.5,
'MG': 1.364 / 1.5,
'AL': 1.639 / 1.5,
'SI': 1.716 / 1.5,
'P': 1.705 / 1.5,
'S': 1.683 / 1.5,
'CL': 1.639 / 1.5,
'AR': 1.595 / 1.5}
Queue = []
White = range(self.natom()) # untouched
Black = [] # touched and all edges discovered
Fragment = [] # stores fragments
start = 0 # starts with the first atom in the list
# Simply start with the first atom, do a BFS when done, go to any
# untouched atom and start again iterate until all atoms belong
# to a fragment group
while len(White) > 0 or len(Queue) > 0: # Iterates to the next fragment
while len(Queue) > 0: # BFS within a fragment
for u in Queue: # find all (still white) nearest neighbors to vertex u
for i in White:
dist = distance(self.xyz(i), self.xyz(u)) * psi_bohr2angstroms
if dist < vdW_diameter[self.symbol(u)] + vdW_diameter[self.symbol(i)]:
Queue.append(i) # if you find you, put in the queue
White.remove(i) # and remove it from the untouched list
Queue.remove(u) # remove focus from Queue
Fragment[-1].append(int(u)) # add to group (0-indexed)
Fragment[-1].sort() # preserve original atom ordering
if len(White) != 0: # can't move White -> Queue if no more exist
return Fragment