Source code for proc

from __future__ import print_function
"""Module with functions that encode the sequence of PSI module
calls for each of the *name* values of the energy(), optimize(),
response(), and frequency() function.

from psifiles import *
import PsiMod
import shutil
import os
import subprocess
import re
import physconst
from molutil import *
from text import *
from procutil import *
from basislist import *
from functional import *
from optproc import *
from util import *
# never import driver, wrappers, or aliases into this file

# consult

[docs]def run_dcft(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a density cumulant functional theory calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'REFERENCE'], ['DCFT', 'REFERENCE']) PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UHF') PsiMod.set_local_option('DCFT', 'REFERENCE', 'UHF') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.dcft() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_dcft_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for DCFT gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') run_dcft(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_omp2(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an orbital-optimized MP2 computation """ # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) return PsiMod.occ()
[docs]def run_omp2_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for OMP2 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['REFERENCE'], ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') run_omp2(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp2(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP2 calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp2(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp2_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP2 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['REFERENCE'], ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp2(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_scs_omp2(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a spin-component scaled OMP2 computation """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'SCS_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'DO_SCS']) # what type of scs? if (lowername == 'scs-omp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCS') elif (lowername == 'scsn-omp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSN') elif (lowername == 'scs-mi-omp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSMI') elif (lowername == 'scs-omp2-vdw'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSVDW') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'DO_SCS', 'TRUE') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_sos_omp2(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a spin-opposite scaled OMP2 computation """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'SOS_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'DO_SOS']) # what type of sos? if (lowername == 'sos-omp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SOS_TYPE', 'SOS') elif (lowername == 'sos-pi-omp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SOS_TYPE', 'SOSPI') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'DO_SOS', 'TRUE') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_omp3(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an orbital-optimized MP3 computation """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP3') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_omp3_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for OMP3 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE'], ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP3') run_omp3(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp3(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP3 calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp3(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp3_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP3 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP3') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp3(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_scs_omp3(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a spin-component scaled OMP3 computation """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'SCS_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'DO_SCS'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) # what type of scs? if (lowername == 'scs-omp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCS') elif (lowername == 'scsn-omp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSN') elif (lowername == 'scs-mi-omp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSMI') elif (lowername == 'scs-omp3-vdw'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SCS_TYPE', 'SCSVDW') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'DO_SCS', 'TRUE') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP3') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_sos_omp3(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a spin-opposite scaled OMP3 computation """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'SOS_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'DO_SOS'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) # what type of sos? if (lowername == 'sos-omp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SOS_TYPE', 'SOS') elif (lowername == 'sos-pi-omp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'SOS_TYPE', 'SOSPI') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'DO_SOS', 'TRUE') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP3') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_ocepa(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an orbital-optimized CEPA computation """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OCEPA') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_ocepa_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for OCEPA gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') run_ocepa(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_cepa0(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a CEPA (LCCD) computation """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OCEPA') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_ocepa(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_cepa0_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a CEPA(0) gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OCEPA') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_ocepa(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_omp2_5(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an orbital-optimized MP2.5 computation """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP2.5') PsiMod.occ() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_omp2_5_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for OMP2.5 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP2.5') run_omp2_5(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp2_5(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP2.5 calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp2_5(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_mp2_5_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a MP3 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE'], ['OCC', 'WFN_TYPE'], ['OCC', 'ORB_OPT']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'WFN_TYPE', 'OMP2.5') PsiMod.set_local_option('OCC', 'ORB_OPT', 'FALSE') run_omp2_5(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_scf(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a self-consistent-field theory (HF & DFT) calculation. """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'], ['SCF', 'REFERENCE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') if lowername == 'hf': if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') == 'RKS': PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RHF') elif PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') == 'UKS': PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UHF') else: pass elif lowername == 'rhf': PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RHF') elif lowername == 'uhf': PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UHF') elif lowername == 'rohf': PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'ROHF') elif lowername == 'rscf': if (len(PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL')) > 0) or PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONAL') is not None: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RKS') else: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RHF') elif lowername == 'uscf': if (len(PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL')) > 0) or PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONAL') is not None: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UKS') else: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UHF') elif lowername == 'roscf': if (len(PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL')) > 0) or PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DFT_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONAL') is not None: raise ValidationError('ROHF reference for DFT is not available.') else: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'ROHF') scf_helper(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_scf_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a SCF gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') run_scf(name, **kwargs) if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF' or PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DIRECT'): # if the df_basis_scf basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF') == '': jkbasis = corresponding_jkfit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if jkbasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF', jkbasis) PsiMod.print_out('\n No DF_BASIS_SCF auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n\n' % (jkbasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SCF is required.') PsiMod.scfgrad() else: PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_libfock(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a calculation through libfock, namely RCPHF, RCIS, RTDHF, RTDA, and RTDDFT. """ if (name.lower() == 'cphf'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RCPHF') if (name.lower() == 'cis'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RCIS') if (name.lower() == 'tdhf'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RTDHF') if (name.lower() == 'cpks'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RCPKS') if (name.lower() == 'tda'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RTDA') if (name.lower() == 'tddft'): PsiMod.set_global_option('MODULE', 'RTDDFT') PsiMod.libfock()
[docs]def run_mcscf(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a multiconfigurational self-consistent-field calculation. """ return PsiMod.mcscf()
[docs]def scf_helper(name, **kwargs): """Function serving as helper to SCF, choosing whether to cast up or just run SCF with a standard guess. This preserves previous SCF options set by other procedures (e.g., SAPT output file types for SCF). """ optstash = OptionsState( ['PUREAM'], ['BASIS'], ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'], ['SCF', 'GUESS'], ['SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO']) # if the df_basis_scf basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF') == '': jkbasis = corresponding_jkfit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if jkbasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF', jkbasis) PsiMod.print_out('\n No DF_BASIS_SCF auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n\n' % (jkbasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SCF is required.') optstash2 = OptionsState( ['BASIS'], ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'], ['SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO']) # sort out cast_up settings. no need to stash these since only read, never reset cast = False if PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'BASIS_GUESS'): cast = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'BASIS_GUESS') if yes.match(str(cast)): cast = True elif no.match(str(cast)): cast = False if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': castdf = True else: castdf = False if PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'DF_BASIS_GUESS'): castdf = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_BASIS_GUESS') if yes.match(str(castdf)): castdf = True elif no.match(str(castdf)): castdf = False # sort out broken_symmetry settings. if 'brokensymmetry' in kwargs: molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() multp = molecule.multiplicity() if multp != 1: raise ValidationError('Broken symmetry is only for singlets.') if PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'UHF' and PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'UKS': raise ValidationError('You must specify "set reference uhf" to use broken symmetry.') do_broken = True else: do_broken = False precallback = None if 'precallback' in kwargs: precallback = kwargs.pop('precallback') postcallback = None if 'postcallback' in kwargs: postcallback = kwargs.pop('postcallback') # Hack to ensure cartesian or pure are used throughout # Note that can't query PUREAM option directly, as it only # reflects user changes to value, so load basis and # read effective PUREAM setting off of it PsiMod.set_global_option('BASIS', PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) PsiMod.set_global_option('PUREAM', PsiMod.MintsHelper().basisset().has_puream()) # broken set-up if do_broken: molecule.set_multiplicity(3) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(' Computing high-spin triplet guess ') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # cast set-up if (cast): if yes.match(str(cast)): guessbasis = '3-21G' else: guessbasis = cast if (castdf): if yes.match(str(castdf)): guessbasisdf = corresponding_jkfit(guessbasis) else: guessbasisdf = castdf # Switch to the guess namespace namespace = PsiMod.IO.get_default_namespace() PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace((namespace + '.guess')) # Setup initial SCF PsiMod.set_global_option('BASIS', guessbasis) if (castdf): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO', 'none') PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF', guessbasisdf) # Print some info about the guess PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Guess SCF, %s Basis' % (guessbasis)) PsiMod.print_out('\n') # the FIRST scf call if cast or do_broken: # Perform the guess scf PsiMod.scf() # broken clean-up if do_broken: molecule.set_multiplicity(1) PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS', 'READ') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(' Computing broken symmetry solution from high-spin triplet guess ') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # cast clean-up if (cast): # Move files to proper namespace PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(180, (namespace + '.guess'), namespace) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace(namespace) # Set to read and project, and reset bases to final ones optstash2.restore() PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS', 'READ') # Print the banner for the standard operation PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(name.upper()) PsiMod.print_out('\n') # the SECOND scf call e_scf = PsiMod.scf(precallback, postcallback) optstash.restore() return e_scf
[docs]def run_mp2_select(name, **kwargs): """Function selecting the algorithm for a MP2 energy call and directing toward the OCC (conv MP2) or the DFMP2 modules. """ if (PsiMod.get_option("DFMP2", "MP2_TYPE") == "CONV") or (PsiMod.get_option("OCC", "MP2_TYPE") == "CONV"): return run_mp2(name, **kwargs) else: return run_dfmp2(name, **kwargs)
[docs]def run_mp2_select_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function selecting the algorithm for a MP2 gradient call and directing toward the OCC (conv MP2) or the DFMP2 modules. """ if (PsiMod.get_option("DFMP2", "MP2_TYPE") == "CONV") or (PsiMod.get_option("OCC", "MP2_TYPE") == "CONV"): return run_mp2_gradient(name, **kwargs) else: return run_dfmp2_gradient(name, **kwargs)
[docs]def run_dfmp2_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a DFMP2 gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['DF_BASIS_MP2'], ['SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): #PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') # insufficient b/c SCF option read in DFMP2 PsiMod.set_global_option('SCF_TYPE', 'DF') if not PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': raise ValidationError('DF-MP2 gradients need DF-SCF reference, for now.') if 'restart_file' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs.pop('restart_file') # Rename the checkpoint file to be consistent with psi4's file system psioh = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object() psio = PsiMod.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(32) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() pid = str(os.getpid()) prefix = 'psi' targetfile = filepath + prefix + '.' + pid + '.' + namespace + '.32' if( == 0): shutil.copy(restartfile, targetfile) else: # if the df_basis_scf basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF') == '': jkbasis = corresponding_jkfit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if jkbasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF', jkbasis) PsiMod.print_out('\n No DF_BASIS_SCF auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n\n' % (jkbasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SCF is required.') scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # if the df_basis_mp2 basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_MP2 auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_MP2 is required.') PsiMod.dfmp2grad() e_dfmp2 = PsiMod.get_variable('MP2 TOTAL ENERGY') e_scs_dfmp2 = PsiMod.get_variable('SCS-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY') optstash.restore() if (name.upper() == 'SCS-DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'SCS-DF-MP2'): return e_scs_dfmp2 elif (name.upper() == 'DF-MP2') or (name.upper() == 'DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'MP2'): return e_dfmp2
[docs]def run_ccenergy(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a CCSD, CC2, and CC3 calculation. """ lowername = name.lower() optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['CCSORT', 'WFN'], ['CCENERGY', 'WFN']) if (lowername == 'ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'CCSD') elif (lowername == 'ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CCSD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'CCSD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'CCSD_T') elif (lowername == 'cc2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'CC2') elif (lowername == 'cc3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'CC3') elif (lowername == 'eom-cc2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') elif (lowername == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') # Call a plain energy('ccenergy') and have full control over options, incl. wfn elif(lowername == 'ccenergy'): pass # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) # If the scf type is DF, then the AO integrals were never generated if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': mints = PsiMod.MintsHelper() mints.integrals() PsiMod.transqt2() PsiMod.ccsort() PsiMod.ccenergy() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_cc_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a CCSD and CCSD(T) gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['GLOBALS', 'DERTYPE'], ['CCLAMBDA', 'WFN'], ['CCDENSITY', 'WFN']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') run_ccenergy(name, **kwargs) if (name.lower() == 'ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('CCLAMBDA', 'WFN', 'CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'WFN', 'CCSD') elif (name.lower() == 'ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('CCLAMBDA', 'WFN', 'CCSD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'WFN', 'CCSD_T') PsiMod.cchbar() PsiMod.cclambda() PsiMod.ccdensity() PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_bccd(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a Brueckner CCD calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'DELETE_TEI'], ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['CCSORT', 'WFN'], ['CCENERGY', 'WFN']) if (name.lower() == 'bccd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'BCCD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'BCCD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'BCCD') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) # If the scf type is DF, then the AO integrals were never generated if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': mints = PsiMod.MintsHelper() mints.integrals() PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'DELETE_TEI', 'false') while True: PsiMod.transqt2() PsiMod.ccsort() PsiMod.ccenergy() PsiMod.print_out('Brueckner convergence check: %d\n' % PsiMod.get_variable('BRUECKNER CONVERGED')) if (PsiMod.get_variable('BRUECKNER CONVERGED') == True): break optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_bccd_t(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a Brueckner CCD(T) calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['CCSORT', 'WFN'], ['CCENERGY', 'WFN'], ['CCTRIPLES', 'WFN']) PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'BCCD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'BCCD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'BCCD_T') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCTRIPLES', 'WFN', 'BCCD_T') run_bccd(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.cctriples() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_scf_property(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for SCF calculations. This is a simple alias to :py:func:`~proc.run_scf` since SCF properties all handled through oeprop. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') run_scf(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_cc_property(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for all CC property calculations. """ oneel_properties = ['dipole', 'quadrupole'] twoel_properties = [] response_properties = ['polarizability', 'rotation', 'roa'] excited_properties = ['oscillator_strength', 'rotational_strength'] one = [] two = [] response = [] excited = [] invalid = [] if 'properties' in kwargs: properties = kwargs.pop('properties') properties = drop_duplicates(properties) for prop in properties: if prop in oneel_properties: one.append(prop) elif prop in twoel_properties: two.append(prop) elif prop in response_properties: response.append(prop) elif prop in excited_properties: excited.append(prop) else: invalid.append(prop) else: raise ValidationError("The \"properties\" keyword is required with the property() function.") n_one = len(one) n_two = len(two) n_response = len(response) n_excited = len(excited) n_invalid = len(invalid) if (n_invalid > 0): print("The following properties are not currently supported: %s" % invalid) if (n_excited > 0 and (name.lower() != 'eom-ccsd' and name.lower() != 'eom-cc2')): raise ValidationError("Excited state CC properties require EOM-CC2 or EOM-CCSD.") if ((name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd' or name.lower() == 'eom-cc2') and n_response > 0): raise ValidationError("Cannot (yet) compute response properties for excited states.") if (n_one > 0 or n_two > 0) and (n_response > 0): print("Computing both density- and response-based properties.") if (name.lower() == 'ccsd'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'CCSD') run_ccenergy('ccsd', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'CCSD') elif (name.lower() == 'cc2'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'CC2') run_ccenergy('cc2', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'CC2') elif (name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') run_ccenergy('eom-ccsd', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') elif (name.lower() == 'eom-cc2'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CC2') run_ccenergy('eom-cc2', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CC2') # Need cchbar for everything PsiMod.cchbar() # Need ccdensity at this point only for density-based props if (n_one > 0 or n_two > 0): if (name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'NONE') PsiMod.set_global_option('ONEPDM', 'TRUE') PsiMod.cceom() elif (name.lower() == 'eom-cc2'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'NONE') PsiMod.set_global_option('ONEPDM', 'TRUE') PsiMod.cceom() PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'NONE') PsiMod.set_global_option('ONEPDM', 'TRUE') PsiMod.cclambda() PsiMod.ccdensity() # Need ccresponse only for response-type props if (n_response > 0): PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'RESPONSE') PsiMod.cclambda() for prop in response: PsiMod.set_global_option('PROPERTY', prop) PsiMod.ccresponse() # Excited-state transition properties if (n_excited > 0): if (name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') elif (name.lower() == 'eom-cc2'): PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'EOM_CC2') else: raise ValidationError("Unknown excited-state CC wave function.") PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'NONE') PsiMod.set_global_option('ONEPDM', 'TRUE') PsiMod.cceom() PsiMod.cclambda() PsiMod.ccdensity() PsiMod.set_global_option('WFN', 'SCF') PsiMod.revoke_global_option_changed('WFN') PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'NONE') PsiMod.revoke_global_option_changed('DERTYPE')
[docs]def run_dfmp2_property(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a DFMP2 property calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['DF_BASIS_MP2'], ['SCF_TYPE']) PsiMod.set_global_option('ONEPDM', 'TRUE') PsiMod.set_global_option('OPDM_RELAX', 'TRUE') # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): #PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') # insufficient b/c SCF option read in DFMP2 PsiMod.set_global_option('SCF_TYPE', 'DF') if not PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': raise ValidationError('DF-MP2 properties need DF-SCF reference, for now.') if 'restart_file' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs.pop('restart_file') # Rename the checkpoint file to be consistent with psi4's file system psioh = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object() psio = PsiMod.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(32) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() pid = str(os.getpid()) prefix = 'psi' targetfile = filepath + prefix + '.' + pid + '.' + namespace + '.32' if( == 0): shutil.copy(restartfile, targetfile) else: # if the df_basis_scf basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF') == '': jkbasis = corresponding_jkfit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if jkbasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SCF', jkbasis) PsiMod.print_out('\nNo DF_BASIS_SCF auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n\n' % (jkbasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SCF is required.') scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # if the df_basis_mp2 basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out('No DF_BASIS_MP2 auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_MP2 is required.') PsiMod.dfmp2grad() e_dfmp2 = PsiMod.get_variable('MP2 TOTAL ENERGY') e_scs_dfmp2 = PsiMod.get_variable('SCS-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY') optstash.restore() if (name.upper() == 'SCS-DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'SCS-DF-MP2'): return e_scs_dfmp2 elif (name.upper() == 'DF-MP2') or (name.upper() == 'DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'MP2'): return e_dfmp2
[docs]def run_eom_cc(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an EOM-CC calculation, namely EOM-CC2, EOM-CCSD, and EOM-CC3. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['CCSORT', 'WFN'], ['CCENERGY', 'WFN'], ['CCHBAR', 'WFN'], ['CCEOM', 'WFN']) if (name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCHBAR', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCEOM', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') run_ccenergy('ccsd', **kwargs) elif (name.lower() == 'eom-cc2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCHBAR', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCEOM', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC2') run_ccenergy('cc2', **kwargs) elif (name.lower() == 'eom-cc3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCSORT', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCENERGY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCHBAR', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC3') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCEOM', 'WFN', 'EOM_CC3') run_ccenergy('cc3', **kwargs) PsiMod.cchbar() PsiMod.cceom() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_eom_cc_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an EOM-CCSD gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['CCDENSITY', 'XI'], ['CCDENSITY', 'ZETA'], ['CCLAMBDA', 'ZETA'], ['DERTYPE'], ['CCDENSITY', 'WFN'], ['CCLAMBDA', 'WFN']) PsiMod.set_global_option('DERTYPE', 'FIRST') if (name.lower() == 'eom-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('CCLAMBDA', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'WFN', 'EOM_CCSD') run_eom_cc(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.set_local_option('CCLAMBDA', 'ZETA', 'FALSE') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'ZETA', 'FALSE') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'XI', 'TRUE') PsiMod.cclambda() PsiMod.ccdensity() PsiMod.set_local_option('CCLAMBDA', 'ZETA', 'TRUE') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'ZETA', 'TRUE') PsiMod.set_local_option('CCDENSITY', 'XI', 'FALSE') PsiMod.cclambda() PsiMod.ccdensity() PsiMod.deriv() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_adc(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for an algebraic diagrammatic construction calculation. .. caution:: Get rid of active molecule lines- should be handled in energy. """ if (PsiMod.get_option('ADC', 'REFERENCE') != 'RHF'): raise ValidationError('ADC requires reference RHF') # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) return PsiMod.adc()
[docs]def run_dft(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a density-functional-theory calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL'], ['SCF', 'REFERENCE'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'], ['DF_BASIS_MP2'], ['DFMP2', 'MP2_OS_SCALE'], ['DFMP2', 'MP2_SS_SCALE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL', name) user_ref = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') if (user_ref == 'RHF'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RKS') elif (user_ref == 'UHF'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UKS') elif (user_ref == 'ROHF'): raise ValidationError('ROHF reference for DFT is not available.') elif (user_ref == 'CUHF'): raise ValidationError('CUHF reference for DFT is not available.') run_scf(name, **kwargs) returnvalue = PsiMod.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') for ssuper in superfunctional_list(): if == name.lower(): dfun = ssuper if dfun.is_c_hybrid(): # if the df_basis_mp2 basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_MP2 auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_MP2 is required.') if dfun.is_c_scs_hybrid(): PsiMod.set_local_option('DFMP2', 'MP2_OS_SCALE', dfun.c_os_alpha()) PsiMod.set_local_option('DFMP2', 'MP2_SS_SCALE', dfun.c_ss_alpha()) PsiMod.dfmp2() vdh = dfun.c_alpha() * PsiMod.get_variable('SCS-MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY') else: PsiMod.dfmp2() vdh = dfun.c_alpha() * PsiMod.get_variable('MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY') PsiMod.set_variable('DOUBLE-HYBRID CORRECTION ENERGY', vdh) returnvalue += vdh PsiMod.set_variable('DFT TOTAL ENERGY', returnvalue) PsiMod.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', returnvalue) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_dft_gradient(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a density-functional-theory gradient calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL'], ['SCF', 'REFERENCE'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL', name) user_ref = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') if (user_ref == 'RHF'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RKS') elif (user_ref == 'UHF'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UKS') elif (user_ref == 'ROHF'): raise ValidationError('ROHF reference for DFT is not available.') elif (user_ref == 'CUHF'): raise ValidationError('CUHF reference for DFT is not available.') run_scf_gradient(name, **kwargs) optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_detci(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a configuration interaction calculation, namely FCI, CIn, MPn, and ZAPTn. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['DETCI', 'WFN'], ['DETCI', 'MAX_NUM_VECS'], ['DETCI', 'MPN_ORDER_SAVE'], ['DETCI', 'MPN'], ['DETCI', 'FCI'], ['DETCI', 'EX_LEVEL']) user_ref = PsiMod.get_option('DETCI', 'REFERENCE') if (user_ref != 'RHF') or (user_ref != 'ROHF'): raise ValidationError('Reference %s for DETCI is not available.' % user_ref) if (name.lower() == 'zapt'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'ZAPTN') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'ZAPTN') level = kwargs['level'] maxnvect = (level + 1) / 2 + (level + 1) % 2 PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MAX_NUM_VECS', maxnvect) if ((level + 1) % 2): PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MPN_ORDER_SAVE', 2) else: PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MPN_ORDER_SAVE', 1) elif (name.lower() == 'detci-mp') or (name.lower() == 'mp'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MPN', 'TRUE') level = kwargs['level'] maxnvect = (level + 1) / 2 + (level + 1) % 2 PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MAX_NUM_VECS', maxnvect) if ((level + 1) % 2): PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MPN_ORDER_SAVE', 2) else: PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'MPN_ORDER_SAVE', 1) elif (name.lower() == 'fci'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'FCI', 'TRUE') elif (name.lower() == 'cisd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'EX_LEVEL', 2) elif (name.lower() == 'cisdt'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'EX_LEVEL', 3) elif (name.lower() == 'cisdtq'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'EX_LEVEL', 4) elif (name.lower() == 'ci'): PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'DETCI') PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'WFN', 'DETCI') level = kwargs['level'] PsiMod.set_local_option('DETCI', 'EX_LEVEL', level) # Call a plain energy('detci') and have full control over options elif(name.lower() == 'detci'): pass # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) # If the scf type is DF, then the AO integrals were never generated if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': PsiMod.MintsHelper().integrals() PsiMod.transqt2() PsiMod.detci() optstash.restore()
[docs]def run_dfmp2(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a density-fitted MP2 calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['DF_BASIS_MP2'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') if 'restart_file' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs.pop('restart_file') # Rename the checkpoint file to be consistent with psi4's file system psioh = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object() psio = PsiMod.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(32) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() pid = str(os.getpid()) prefix = 'psi' targetfile = filepath + prefix + '.' + pid + '.' + namespace + '.32' if( == 0): shutil.copy(restartfile, targetfile) else: scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # if the df_basis_mp2 basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_MP2 auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_MP2 is required.') e_dfmp2 = PsiMod.dfmp2() e_scs_dfmp2 = PsiMod.get_variable('SCS-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY') optstash.restore() if (name.upper() == 'SCS-DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'SCS-DF-MP2'): return e_scs_dfmp2 elif (name.upper() == 'DF-MP2') or (name.upper() == 'DFMP2') or (name.upper() == 'MP2'): return e_dfmp2
[docs]def run_psimrcc(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a PSIMRCC computation using a reference from the MCSCF module """ run_mcscf(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.psimrcc() return PsiMod.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY")
[docs]def run_psimrcc_scf(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a PSIMRCC computation using a reference from the SCF module """ # Bypass routine scf if user did something special to get it to converge if not (('bypass_scf' in kwargs) and yes.match(str(kwargs['bypass_scf']))): scf_helper(name, **kwargs) PsiMod.psimrcc() return PsiMod.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY")
[docs]def run_mp2c(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a coupled MP2 calculation. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['DF_BASIS_MP2']) molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1, 2) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2, 1) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') # if the df_basis_mp2 basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_MP2', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_MP2 auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_MP2 is required.') ri = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') df_ints_io = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO') # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-dimer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE') e_dimer = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_dimer_mp2 = PsiMod.dfmp2() PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'LOAD') activate(monomerA) if (ri == 'DF'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'dimer', 'monomerA') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerA') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_A') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA_mp2 = PsiMod.dfmp2() activate(monomerB) if (ri == 'DF'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerA', 'monomerB') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerB') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_B') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B DFMP2') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB_mp2 = PsiMod.dfmp2() PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', df_ints_io) PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERA, 'monomerA', 'dimer') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERB, 'monomerB', 'dimer') activate(molecule) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'E_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'D_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'MP2C') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('MP2C') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.set_variable('MP2C DIMER MP2 ENERGY', e_dimer_mp2) PsiMod.set_variable('MP2C MONOMER A MP2 ENERGY', e_monomerA_mp2) PsiMod.set_variable('MP2C MONOMER B MP2 ENERGY', e_monomerB_mp2) e_sapt = PsiMod.sapt() optstash.restore() return e_sapt
[docs]def run_sapt(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a SAPT calculation of any level. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' SAPT does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError('SAPT requires requires \"reference rhf\".') nfrag = molecule.nfragments() if nfrag != 2: raise ValidationError('SAPT requires active molecule to have 2 fragments, not %s.' % (nfrag)) sapt_basis = 'dimer' if 'sapt_basis' in kwargs: sapt_basis = kwargs.pop('sapt_basis') sapt_basis = sapt_basis.lower() if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): #molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1, 2) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2, 1) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') elif (sapt_basis == 'monomer'): #molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') ri = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') df_ints_io = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO') # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-dimer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE') e_dimer = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'LOAD') activate(monomerA) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'dimer', 'monomerA') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerA') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_A') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) activate(monomerB) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerA', 'monomerB') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerB') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_B') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', df_ints_io) PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERA, 'monomerA', 'dimer') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERB, 'monomerB', 'dimer') activate(molecule) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'E_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'D_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) if (name.lower() == 'sapt0'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT0') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(3)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', False) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(ccd)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(3)(ccd)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+3(ccd)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) # if the df_basis_sapt basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_SAPT auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SAPT is required.') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(name.upper()) PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_sapt = PsiMod.sapt() molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() optstash.restore() return e_sapt
[docs]def run_dftsapt(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a DFT-SAPT calculation of any level. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' SAPT does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError('SAPT requires requires \"reference rhf\".') nfrag = molecule.nfragments() if nfrag != 2: raise ValidationError('SAPT requires active molecule to have 2 fragments, not %s.' % (nfrag)) sapt_basis = 'dimer' if 'sapt_basis' in kwargs: sapt_basis = kwargs.pop('sapt_basis') sapt_basis = sapt_basis.lower() if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1, 2) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2, 1) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') elif (sapt_basis == 'monomer'): molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') ri = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') df_ints_io = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO') # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE') e_dimer = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_dimer = PsiMod.wavefunction() if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'LOAD') activate(monomerA) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'dimer', 'monomerA') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerA') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_monomerA = PsiMod.wavefunction() activate(monomerB) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerA', 'monomerB') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerB') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_monomerB = PsiMod.wavefunction() if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerB', 'dimer') activate(molecule) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') # if the df_basis_sapt basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_SAPT auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SAPT is required.') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(name.upper()) PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_sapt = PsiMod.dftsapt(wfn_dimer,wfn_monomerA,wfn_monomerB) molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', df_ints_io) optstash.restore() return e_sapt
[docs]def run_infsapt(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a INF-SAPT0 calculation of any level. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' SAPT does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError('SAPT requires requires \"reference rhf\".') nfrag = molecule.nfragments() if nfrag != 2: raise ValidationError('SAPT requires active molecule to have 2 fragments, not %s.' % (nfrag)) sapt_basis = 'dimer' if 'sapt_basis' in kwargs: sapt_basis = kwargs.pop('sapt_basis') sapt_basis = sapt_basis.lower() if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1, 2) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2, 1) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') elif (sapt_basis == 'monomer'): molecule.update_geometry() monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') ri = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') df_ints_io = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO') # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE') e_dimer = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_dimer = PsiMod.wavefunction() if (sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'LOAD') activate(monomerA) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'dimer', 'monomerA') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerA') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_monomerA = PsiMod.wavefunction() activate(monomerB) if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerA', 'monomerB') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerB') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) wfn_monomerB = PsiMod.wavefunction() if (ri == 'DF' and sapt_basis == 'dimer'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerB', 'dimer') activate(molecule) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') # if the df_basis_sapt basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_SAPT auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SAPT is required.') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner(name.upper()) PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_sapt = PsiMod.infsapt(wfn_dimer,wfn_monomerA,wfn_monomerB) molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', df_ints_io) optstash.restore() return e_sapt
[docs]def run_sapt_ct(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a charge-transfer SAPT calcuation of any level. """ optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE']) # Alter default algorithm if not PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE', 'DF') molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' SAPT does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError('SAPT requires requires \"reference rhf\".') nfrag = molecule.nfragments() if nfrag != 2: raise ValidationError('SAPT requires active molecule to have 2 fragments, not %s.' % (nfrag)) monomerA = molecule.extract_subsets(1, 2) monomerA.set_name('monomerA') monomerB = molecule.extract_subsets(2, 1) monomerB.set_name('monomerB') molecule.update_geometry() monomerAm = molecule.extract_subsets(1) monomerAm.set_name('monomerAm') monomerBm = molecule.extract_subsets(2) monomerBm.set_name('monomerBm') ri = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') df_ints_io = PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'DF_INTS_IO') # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-dimer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer HF') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE') e_dimer = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'LOAD') activate(monomerA) if (ri == 'DF'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'dimer', 'monomerA') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerA') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_A') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF (Dimer Basis)') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) activate(monomerB) if (ri == 'DF'): PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(97, 'monomerA', 'monomerB') PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerB') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_B') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF (Dimer Basis)') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', df_ints_io) activate(monomerAm) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerAm') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_A') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer A HF (Monomer Basis)') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerA = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) activate(monomerBm) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('monomerBm') PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF', 'SAPT', '2-monomer_B') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer B HF (Monomer Basis)') PsiMod.print_out('\n') e_monomerB = scf_helper('RHF', **kwargs) activate(molecule) PsiMod.IO.set_default_namespace('dimer') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'E_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'D_CONVERGENCE', 10e-10) if (name.lower() == 'sapt0-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT0') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+') elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(3)-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', False) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+3-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(ccd)-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+(3)(ccd)-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) elif (name.lower() == 'sapt2+3(ccd)-ct'): PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'SAPT_LEVEL', 'SAPT2+3') PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_THIRD_ORDER', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('SAPT', 'DO_CCD_DISP', True) PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('SAPT Charge Transfer') PsiMod.print_out('\n') # if the df_basis_sapt basis is not set, pick a sensible one. if PsiMod.get_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT') == '': ribasis = corresponding_rifit(PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS')) if ribasis: PsiMod.set_global_option('DF_BASIS_SAPT', ribasis) PsiMod.print_out(' No DF_BASIS_SAPT auxiliary basis selected, defaulting to %s\n' % (ribasis)) else: raise ValidationError('Keyword DF_BASIS_SAPT is required.') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Dimer Basis SAPT') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERA, 'monomerA', 'dimer') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERB, 'monomerB', 'dimer') e_sapt = PsiMod.sapt() CTd = PsiMod.get_variable('SAPT CT ENERGY') PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Monomer Basis SAPT') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERA, 'monomerAm', 'dimer') PsiMod.IO.change_file_namespace(PSIF_SAPT_MONOMERB, 'monomerBm', 'dimer') e_sapt = PsiMod.sapt() CTm = PsiMod.get_variable('SAPT CT ENERGY') CT = CTd - CTm PsiMod.print_out('\n\n') PsiMod.print_out(' SAPT Charge Transfer Analysis\n') PsiMod.print_out(' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') line1 = ' SAPT Induction (Dimer Basis) %10.4lf mH %10.4lf kcal mol^-1\n' % (CTd * 1000.0, CTd * physconst.psi_hartree2kcalmol) line2 = ' SAPT Induction (Monomer Basis) %10.4lf mH %10.4lf kcal mol^-1\n' % (CTm * 1000.0, CTm * physconst.psi_hartree2kcalmol) line3 = ' SAPT Charge Transfer %10.4lf mH %10.4lf kcal mol^-1\n\n' % (CT * 1000.0, CT * physconst.psi_hartree2kcalmol) PsiMod.print_out(line1) PsiMod.print_out(line2) PsiMod.print_out(line3) PsiMod.set_variable('SAPT CT ENERGY', CT) molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() optstash.restore() return e_sapt
[docs]def run_mrcc(name, **kwargs): """Function that prepares environment and input files for a calculation calling Kallay's MRCC code. """ # TODO: Check to see if we really need to run the SCF code. scf_helper(name, **kwargs) vscf = PsiMod.get_variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY') # The parse_arbitrary_order method provides us the following information # We require that level be provided. level is a dictionary # of settings to be passed to PsiMod.mrcc if not('level' in kwargs): raise ValidationError('level parameter was not provided.') level = kwargs['level'] # Fullname is the string we need to search for in iface fullname = level['fullname'] # User can provide 'keep' to the method. # When provided, do not delete the MRCC scratch directory. keep = False if 'keep' in kwargs: keep = kwargs['keep'] # Save current directory location current_directory = os.getcwd() # Need to move to the scratch directory, perferrably into a separate directory in that location psi_io = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object() os.chdir(psi_io.get_default_path()) # Make new directory specifically for mrcc mrcc_tmpdir = 'mrcc_' + str(os.getpid()) if 'path' in kwargs: mrcc_tmpdir = kwargs['path'] # Check to see if directory already exists, if not, create. if os.path.exists(mrcc_tmpdir) == False: os.mkdir(mrcc_tmpdir) # Move into the new directory os.chdir(mrcc_tmpdir) # Generate integrals and input file (dumps files to the current directory) PsiMod.mrcc_generate_input(level) # Load the fort.56 file # and dump a copy into the outfile PsiMod.print_out('\n===== Begin fort.56 input for MRCC ======\n') PsiMod.print_out(open('fort.56', 'r').read()) PsiMod.print_out('===== End fort.56 input for MRCC ======\n') # Close output file PsiMod.close_outfile() # Modify the environment: # PGI Fortan prints warning to screen if STOP is used os.environ['NO_STOP_MESSAGE'] = '1' # Obtain user's OMP_NUM_THREADS so that we don't blow it away. omp_num_threads_found = 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ if omp_num_threads_found == True: omp_num_threads_user = os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] # If the user provided MRCC_OMP_NUM_THREADS set the environ to it if PsiMod.has_option_changed('MRCC', 'MRCC_OMP_NUM_THREADS') == True: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(PsiMod.get_option('MRCC', 'MRCC_OMP_NUM_THREADS')) # Call dmrcc, directing all screen output to the output file try: if PsiMod.outfile_name() == 'stdout': retcode ='dmrcc', shell=True) else: retcode ='dmrcc >> ' + current_directory + '/' + PsiMod.outfile_name(), shell=True) if retcode < 0: print('MRCC was terminated by signal %d' % -retcode, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) elif retcode > 0: print('MRCC errored %d' % retcode, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) except OSError as e: print('Execution failed: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Restore the OMP_NUM_THREADS that the user set. if omp_num_threads_found == True: if PsiMod.has_option_changed('MRCC', 'MRCC_OMP_NUM_THREADS') == True: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = omp_num_threads_user # Scan iface file and grab the file energy. e = 0.0 for line in file('iface'): fields = line.split() m = fields[1] try: e = float(fields[5]) if m == "MP(2)": m = "MP2" PsiMod.set_variable(m + ' TOTAL ENERGY', e) PsiMod.set_variable(m + ' CORRELATION ENERGY', e - vscf) except ValueError: continue # The last 'e' in iface is the one the user requested. PsiMod.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', e) PsiMod.set_variable('CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY', e - vscf) # Load the iface file iface = open('iface', 'r') iface_contents = # Delete mrcc tempdir os.chdir('..') try: # Delete unless we're told not to if (keep == False and not('path' in kwargs)): shutil.rmtree(mrcc_tmpdir) except OSError as e: print('Unable to remove MRCC temporary directory %s' % e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Revert to previous current directory location os.chdir(current_directory) # Reopen output file PsiMod.reopen_outfile() # If we're told to keep the files or the user provided a path, do nothing. if (keep != False or ('path' in kwargs)): PsiMod.print_out('\nMRCC scratch files have been kept.\n') PsiMod.print_out('They can be found in ' + mrcc_tmpdir) # Dump iface contents to output PsiMod.print_out('\n') banner('Full results from MRCC') PsiMod.print_out('\n') PsiMod.print_out(iface_contents) return e
[docs]def run_fnodfcc(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a DF-CCSD(T) computation. >>> energy('df-ccsd(t)') """ lowername = name.lower() kwargs = kwargs_lower(kwargs) # stash user options optstash = OptionsState( ['FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES'], ['FNOCC','DFCC'], ['FNOCC','NAT_ORBS'], ['FNOCC','RUN_CEPA'], ['SCF','SCF_TYPE']) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'DFCC', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'RUN_CEPA', False) # throw an exception for open-shells if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError("Error: %s requires \"reference rhf\"." % lowername) # override symmetry: molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.fix_orientation(1) molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' FNOCC does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') # triples? if (lowername == 'df-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) if (lowername == 'df-ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) if (lowername == 'fno-df-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) if (lowername == 'fno-df-ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) # set scf-type to df unless the user wants something else if PsiMod.has_option_changed('SCF','SCF_TYPE') == False: PsiMod.set_local_option('SCF','SCF_TYPE', 'DF') if PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','DF_BASIS_CC') == '': basis = PsiMod.get_global_option('BASIS') dfbasis = corresponding_rifit(basis) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','DF_BASIS_CC',dfbasis) scf_helper(name,**kwargs) PsiMod.fnocc() molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() # restore options optstash.restore() return PsiMod.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY")
[docs]def run_fnocc(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a QCISD(T), CCSD(T), MP2.5, MP3, and MP4 computation. >>> energy('fno-ccsd(t)') """ lowername = name.lower() kwargs = kwargs_lower(kwargs) if 'level' in kwargs: level = kwargs['level'] else: level = 0 # stash user options: optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2','WFN'], ['FNOCC','RUN_MP2'], ['FNOCC','RUN_MP3'], ['FNOCC','RUN_MP4'], ['FNOCC','RUN_CCSD'], ['FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES'], ['FNOCC','COMPUTE_MP4_TRIPLES'], ['FNOCC','DFCC'], ['FNOCC','RUN_CEPA'], ['FNOCC','NAT_ORBS']) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','DFCC', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CEPA', False) # which method? if (lowername == '_ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', True) elif (lowername == '_ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', True) elif (lowername == 'fno-ccsd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'fno-ccsd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'qcisd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', False) elif (lowername == 'qcisd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', False) elif (lowername == 'fno-qcisd'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'fno-qcisd(t)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CCSD', False) elif (lowername == '_mp2'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP2', True) elif (lowername == 'fno-mp3'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP3', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'fno-mp4'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP4', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_MP4_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'mp4(sdq)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP4', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_MP4_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) elif (lowername == 'fno-mp4(sdq)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP4', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_MP4_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', False) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS', True) elif (lowername == 'fnocc-mp') and (level == 3): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP3', True) elif (lowername == 'fnocc-mp') and (level == 4): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP4', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_MP4_TRIPLES', True) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','COMPUTE_TRIPLES', True) # override symmetry for fno-cc if (PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS')): molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' FNOCC does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') # throw an exception for open-shells if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError("Error: %s requires \"reference rhf\"." % lowername) # scf scf_helper(name,**kwargs) # if the scf type is df, then the ao integrals were never generated. if PsiMod.get_option('SCF','SCF_TYPE') == 'DF' : mints = PsiMod.MintsHelper() mints.integrals() # if this is not cim or FNO-CC, run transqt2. otherwise, libtrans will be used if PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS') == False and PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','RUN_MP2') == False: PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CCSD') PsiMod.transqt2() # run ccsd PsiMod.fnocc() # set current correlation energy and total energy. only need to treat mpn here. if (lowername == 'fnocc-mp') and (level == 3): emp3 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP3 TOTAL ENERGY") cemp3 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp3) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp3) elif ( lowername == 'fno-mp3' ): emp3 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP3 TOTAL ENERGY") cemp3 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp3) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp3) elif ( lowername == 'mp4(sdq)'): emp4sdq = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY") cemp4sdq = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp4sdq) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp4sdq) elif ( lowername == 'fno-mp4(sdq)'): emp4sdq = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY") cemp4sdq = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp4sdq) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp4sdq) elif ( lowername == 'fno-mp4'): emp4 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4 TOTAL ENERGY") cemp4 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp4) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp4) elif (lowername == 'fnocc-mp') and (level == 4): emp4 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4 TOTAL ENERGY") cemp4 = PsiMod.get_variable("MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY") PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY",emp4) PsiMod.set_variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY",cemp4) # restore symmetry for fno-cc if (PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS')): molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() # restore options optstash.restore() return PsiMod.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY")
[docs]def run_cepa(name, **kwargs): """Function encoding sequence of PSI module calls for a cepa-like calculation. >>> energy('cepa(1)') """ lowername = name.lower() uppername = name.upper() kwargs = kwargs_lower(kwargs) # save user options optstash = OptionsState( ['TRANSQT2', 'WFN'], ['FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS'], ['FNOCC', 'RUN_CEPA'], ['FNOCC', 'CEPA_NO_SINGLES']) PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC','RUN_CEPA', True) # what type of cepa? cepa_level = uppername if (lowername == 'cepa(2)'): raise ValidationError("Error: %s not implemented\n" % lowername) if (lowername == 'dci'): cepa_level = 'CISD' if (lowername == 'sdci'): cepa_level = 'CISD' if (lowername == 'fno-cepa(0)'): cepa_level = 'CEPA(0)' PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) if (lowername == 'fno-cepa(1)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'CEPA(1)' if (lowername == 'fno-cepa(3)'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'CEPA(3)' if (lowername == 'fno-acpf'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'ACPF' if (lowername == 'fno-aqcc'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'AQCC' if (lowername == 'fno-sdci'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'CISD' if (lowername == 'fno-dci'): PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'NAT_ORBS', True) cepa_level = 'CISD' PsiMod.set_local_option('FNOCC', 'CEPA_LEVEL', cepa_level) # override symmetry for fno-cepa if (PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS')): molecule = PsiMod.get_active_molecule() user_pg = molecule.schoenflies_symbol() molecule.reset_point_group('c1') molecule.update_geometry() if user_pg != 'c1': PsiMod.print_out(' FNOCC does not make use of molecular symmetry, further calculations in C1 point group.\n') # throw an exception for open-shells if (PsiMod.get_option('SCF','REFERENCE') != 'RHF' ): raise ValidationError("Error: %s requires \"reference rhf\"." % lowername) PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CCSD') scf_helper(name, **kwargs) # If the scf type is DF, then the AO integrals were never generated if PsiMod.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'DF': mints = PsiMod.MintsHelper() mints.integrals() if PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS') == False: PsiMod.set_local_option('TRANSQT2', 'WFN', 'CCSD') PsiMod.transqt2() # run cepa PsiMod.fnocc() # one-electron properties if PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC', 'DIPMOM'): if cepa_level == "CEPA(1)" or cepa_level == "CEPA(3)": PsiMod.print_out("\n") PsiMod.print_out(" Error: one-electron properties not implemented for %s\n" % lowername) PsiMod.print_out("\n") elif PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS'): PsiMod.print_out("\n") PsiMod.print_out(" Error: one-electron properties not implemented for %s\n" % lowername) PsiMod.print_out("\n") else: oeprop('DIPOLE','QUADRUPOLE','MULLIKEN_CHARGES','NO_OCCUPATIONS',title = cepa_level) # restore symmetry for fno-cepa if (PsiMod.get_option('FNOCC','NAT_ORBS')): molecule.reset_point_group(user_pg) molecule.update_geometry() # restore options optstash.restore() return PsiMod.get_variable("CURRENT ENERGY")