Source code for p4util.basislist

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
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r"""Module to define a class :py:class:`~BasisFamily` that associates
fitting basis sets to an orbital basis and to provide functions to
query appropriate fitting bases for any orbital basis distributed
with Psi4.

import os

basisfamily_list = []

[docs]class BasisFamily(object): """Class to associate with an orbital basis name *ornate* the gbs file names in which the orbital basis *orbital* (usually the coded form of *ornate*) and *jkfit*, *rifit*, and *dualfit* auxiliary bases can be found. """ def __init__(self, ornate, orbital=None, jk=None, ri=None, dual=None): self.ornate = ornate if orbital is None: self.orbital = sanitize_basisname(ornate) else: self.orbital = sanitize_basisname(orbital) self.jkfit = jk self.rifit = ri self.dualfit = dual def __str__(self): text = '' text += """ ==> %s Family <==\n\n""" % (self.ornate) text += """ Orbital basis: %s\n""" % (self.orbital) text += """ JK auxiliary basis: %s\n""" % (self.jkfit) text += """ MP2 auxiliary basis: %s\n""" % (self.rifit) text += """ DUAL auxiliary basis: %s\n""" % (self.dualfit) text += """\n""" return text
[docs] def name(self): """Function to return the ornate name of the orbital basis, e.g., 6-311++G** for 6-311ppgss. """ return self.ornate
[docs] def add_jkfit(self, fit): """Function to add basis *fit* as associated fitting basis member *jkfit* to a BasisFamily object. """ self.jkfit = sanitize_basisname(fit)
[docs] def add_rifit(self, fit): """Function to add basis *fit* as associated fitting basis member *rifit* to a BasisFamily object. """ self.rifit = sanitize_basisname(fit)
[docs] def add_dualfit(self, fit): """Function to add basis *fit* as associated helper basis member *dualfit* to a BasisFamily object. """ self.dualfit = sanitize_basisname(fit)
[docs]def sanitize_basisname(name): """Function to return *name* in coded form, stripped of characters that confuse filenames, characters into lowercase, ``+`` into ``p``, ``*`` into ``s``, and ``(``, ``)``, & ``,`` into ``_``. """ temp = name.lower() temp = temp.replace('+', 'p') temp = temp.replace('*', 's') temp = temp.replace('(', '_') temp = temp.replace(')', '_') temp = temp.replace(',', '_') return temp
[docs]def load_basis_families(): """Function to load into the array ``basisfamily_list`` BasisFamily objects for all Psi4's standard installed bases. """ from basislistdunning import load_basfam_dunning from basislistother import load_basfam_other if len(basisfamily_list) == 0: load_basfam_dunning() load_basfam_other() return basisfamily_list
[docs]def corresponding_orbital(name): """Function to validate if the orbital basis *name* in coded or ornate form is in Psi4's standard installed bases list. ``None`` is returned if the orbital basis is not found. """ basisfamily_list = load_basis_families() for fam in basisfamily_list: if sanitize_basisname(fam.ornate) == sanitize_basisname(name): return fam.ornate return None
[docs]def corresponding_jkfit(name): """Function to return an appropriate JK fitting basis for the orbital basis *name* in coded or ornate form. ``None`` is returned if no fitting basis is defined or if the orbital basis is not found. """ basisfamily_list = load_basis_families() for fam in basisfamily_list: if sanitize_basisname(fam.ornate) == sanitize_basisname(name): return fam.jkfit return None
[docs]def corresponding_rifit(name): """Function to return an appropriate RI fitting basis for the orbital basis *name* in coded or ornate form. ``None`` is returned if no fitting basis is defined or if the orbital basis is not found. """ basisfamily_list = load_basis_families() for fam in basisfamily_list: if sanitize_basisname(fam.ornate) == sanitize_basisname(name): return fam.rifit return None
[docs]def corresponding_dualfit(name): """Function to return an appropriate DUAL helper basis for the orbital basis *name* in coded or ornate form. ``None`` is returned if no fitting basis is defined or if the orbital basis is not found. """ basisfamily_list = load_basis_families() for fam in basisfamily_list: if sanitize_basisname(fam.ornate) == sanitize_basisname(name): return fam.dualfit return None