Performs geometry optimizations and vibrational frequency analyses.
Set number of consecutive backward steps allowed in optimization
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
Specify angles between atoms to be frozen
- Type: string
- Default: No Default
Specify dihedral angles between atoms to be frozen
- Type: string
- Default: No Default
Specify distances between atoms to be frozen
- Type: string
- Default: No Default
Maximum number of geometry optimization steps
- Type: integer
- Default: 50
Maximum step size in bohr or radian along an interfragment coordinate
- Type: double
- Default: 0.4
Initial maximum step size in bohr or radian along an internal coordinate
- Type: double
- Default: 0.4
Upper bound for dynamic trust radius [au]
- Type: double
- Default: 1.0
Lower bound for dynamic trust radius [au]
- Type: double
- Default: 0.001
IRC mapping direction
- Type: string
- Possible Values: FORWARD, BACKWARD
- Default: FORWARD
IRC step size in bohr(amu).
- Type: double
- Default: 0.2
Decide when to stop IRC calculations
- Type: string
- Possible Values: ASK, STOP, GO
- Default: STOP
Specifies minimum search, transition-state search, or IRC following
- Type: string
- Possible Values: MIN, TS, IRC
- Default: MIN
Do follow the initial RFO vector after the first step?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Even if a user-defined threshold is set, allow for normal, flexible convergence criteria
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Set of optimization criteria. Specification of any MAX_*_G_CONVERGENCE or RMS_*_G_CONVERGENCE options will append to overwrite the criteria set here unless FLEXIBLE_G_CONVERGENCE is also on. See Table Geometry Convergence for details.
- Type: string
- Default: QCHEM
Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: maximum displacement (internal coordinates, atomic units).
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1.2e-3
Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: maximum energy change.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1.0e-6
Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: maximum force (internal coordinates, atomic units).
- Type: conv double
- Default: 3.0e-4
Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: rms displacement (internal coordinates, atomic units).
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1.2e-3
Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: rms force (internal coordinates, atomic units).
- Type: conv double
- Default: 3.0e-4
Do read Cartesian Hessian? Only for experts - use FULL_HESS_EVERY instead.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Frequency with which to compute the full Hessian in the course of a geometry optimization. 0 means to compute the initial Hessian only, 1 means recompute every step, and N means recompute every N steps. The default (-1) is to never compute the full Hessian.
- Type: integer
- Default: -1
Hessian update scheme
- Type: string
- Possible Values: NONE, BFGS, MS, POWELL, BOFILL
- Default: BFGS
Do limit the magnitude of changes caused by the Hessian update?
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
If HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT is true, changes to the Hessian from the update are limited to the larger of HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_SCALE * (the previous value) and HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_MAX [au].
- Type: double
- Default: 1.00
If HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT is true, changes to the Hessian from the update are limited to the larger of HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_SCALE * (the previous value) and HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_MAX [au].
- Type: double
- Default: 0.50
Number of previous steps to use in Hessian update, 0 uses all
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
Model Hessian to guess intrafragment force constants
- Type: string
- Default: SCHLEGEL
Do add bond coordinates at nearby atoms for non-bonded systems?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
When determining connectivity, a bond is assigned if interatomic distance is less than (this number) * sum of covalent radii.
- Type: double
- Default: 1.3
For multi-fragment molecules, treat as single bonded molecule or via interfragment coordinates. A primary difference is that in MULTI mode, the interfragment coordinates are not redundant.
- Type: string
- Possible Values: SINGLE, MULTI
- Default: SINGLE
Do freeze all interfragment modes?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Do freeze all fragments rigid?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
For now, this is a general maximum distance for the definition of H-bonds
- Type: double
- Default: 4.3
Do only generate the internal coordinates and then stop?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
When connecting disparate fragments when frag_mode = SIMPLE, a “bond” is assigned if interatomic distance is less than (this number) * sum of covalent radii. The value is then increased until all the fragments are connected (directly or indirectly).
- Type: double
- Default: 1.8
Do use for the stretching coordinate between fragments? Otherwise, use .
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Model Hessian to guess interfragment force constants
- Type: string
- Possible Values: DEFAULT, FISCHER_LIKE
- Default: DEFAULT
When interfragment coordinates are present, use as reference points either principal axes or fixed linear combinations of atoms.
- Type: string
- Default: FIXED
Do save and print the geometry from the last projected step at the end of a geometry optimization? Otherwise (and by default), save and print the previous geometry at which was computed the gradient that satisfied the convergence criteria.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
In constrained optimizations, for internal coordinates with user-specified equilibrium values, this is the force constant (in au) used to apply an additional force to each coordinate. If the user is only concerned to satify the desired constraint, then the user need only ensure that this value is sufficiently large. Alternatively, the user may specify this value to apply a force of a particular magnitude, in which case the given equilibrium value may or may not be reached by the optimization.
- Type: double
- Default: 2.0
Keep internal coordinate definition file.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
If doing a static line search, this fixes the largest step, whose largest change in an internal coordinate is set to this value (in au)
- Type: double
- Default: 0.100
If doing a static line search, this fixes the shortest step, whose largest change in an internal coordinate is set to this value (in au)
- Type: double
- Default: 0.001
If doing a static line search, scan this many points.
- Type: integer
- Default: 8
Do test derivative B matrix?
- Type: boolean
- Default: false